A train stands in two parts
Bhavani Mandi railway station between Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan falls in Jhalawar district of Rajasthan state of India and in Mandsaur district of Madhya Pradesh. Please tell that if a long train comes to this railway station, then half the train stands in the state of Madhya Pradesh and the second part of the train stands in the state of Rajasthan.
Ticket-giving and taking different states

The most special thing about Bhavani Mandi railway station is that people here stand in Rajasthan to get tickets and the clerk who gives tickets sits in Madhya Pradesh. Let me tell you, a rope has been installed to determine the limit between the ticket counter and the passengers.
Ticket counter time to open

Bhavani Mandi railway station ticket counter which is located in Madhya Pradesh opens at 8 am and closes at 8 pm. Let me tell you, the people of Madhya Pradesh come to Bhavani Mandi railway station for every small and big work. In such a situation, mutual love is seen among the people of Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh.
Railway station board is special

The board of Bhavani Mandi railway station is quite special, where you see the name of a place in every railway station, while Bhawani Mandi railway station has a board, which has been written on one side Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh on the other side. Passengers come here and like to get photographed in front of this board.
States change at a distance of one step

Bhavani Mandi railway station is the only railway station where the states change at a distance of one step. According to media reports, 50 trains stop at this station. The railway station Kota Airport is 87 km. Let me tell you, the railway station is always ahead in terms of cleanliness.