Heat headache i.e. the painful headache during the summer season often becomes a cause of trouble. If you look at it, heat causes many health problems and headache is also one of them. Headache occurring during summer season can affect one or both sides of the head.
Sometimes it can cause problems in daily activities also. In such a situation, if the cause of summer headache is known then it can be prevented from getting triggered. In such a situation, here you will not only know the cause of headache during summer season, but will also know the way to cure it.
We will also give you information about prevention so that you can reduce the risk of headache in summer. Not only this, it is also important for you to know when you should consult a doctor about this. So you will also get information related to that.
Headache: How many types of headache are there and what is its treatment, watch video
Causes of headache in summer season
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A lot of sweating starts in the summer season. At the same time, if water is not drunk properly during this period, the risk of dehydration increases. Whereas, in research (ref) It has come to light that if adequate amount of liquid intake is not taken then headache may occur due to dehydration.
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Many people are very sensitive to bright lights like sunlight. This condition is called photophobia, in which the patient has a lot of trouble with bright light (ref) and problems like headache may also occur. At the same time, due to strong sunlight during the summer season, this problem can increase and cause headache.
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not eating food

Many times the desire to eat decreases during the summer season. In such a situation, not eating food properly or skipping meals can also cause headache. Actually, not eating food can reduce the sugar level in the body, which can cause headache.
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Loo or hot winds

Sometimes heat waves or hot winds can also cause headache during the summer season. Actually, due to heat wave, there is a change in barometric pressure, due to which the pressure in the air starts decreasing, due to which the problem of headache can occur. To simply understand, headache can occur due to changes in the surrounding environment.
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Prevent headache in summer

- Drink as much water as possible and hydrate yourself.
- If you do not like to drink water, then eat fruits and vegetables containing more water like cucumber, watermelon.
- Do not skip meals, if you do not feel like eating heavy food then take small meals.
- Avoid going out in the sun, even if you go out, do not forget to carry an umbrella with you.
- Always wear light fabric clothes so that you do not sweat too much in summer.
- Avoid doing heavy exercise as it will cause excessive sweating and the body will get dehydrated quickly, resulting in headache.
Image source: Pexel
When to go to the doctor?

- If you are having persistent headache even after taking remedies.
- Along with headache, there is problem of nausea or vomiting.
- If body temperature feels increased.
- Difficulty seeing along with headache.
- Along with headache, you may feel dizzy or tired.
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It may seem normal to have a headache during the summer season, but if the problem persists then it is important to pay attention to it. However, do not panic in this situation, rather be patient and try to adopt the measures mentioned above. If the problem worsens then definitely talk to the doctor and follow the measures suggested by him/her.