The true colours of the ruling party and the opposition were visible during Rahul Gandhi’s speech, read what he/she said on which issue

New Delhi: A glimpse of the power and hallmark of a strong opposition was seen during the address of Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi on Monday during the motion of thanks on the President’s address, where Rahul Gandhi and PM Modi and his/her government ministers came face to face. In his/her address of about an hour and a quarter, Rahul Gandhi tried to corner the Modi government and BJP on various issues like NEET, Agniveer, inflation, fear and hatred in society. During this, PM Modi, Home Minister Amit Shah, Defense Minister Rajnath Singh, Agriculture and Rural Development Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan, Union Minister Bhupendra Yadav and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Kiran Rijiju had to intervene on PM Modi’s allegations. Leaders like Rijiju and Bhupendra Yadav opposed Rahul Gandhi’s allegations citing the rules in the House.

Rahul and the cabinet face to face

Rahul-PM Modi

Rahul Gandhi attacked BJP’s Hindutva and said that those who call themselves Hindus keep talking about violence, hatred and untruth 24 hours a day. These people are not Hindus at all. You are not a Hindu at all. It is clearly written in Hinduism that one should stand with the truth. One should not step back from the truth. Non-violence should be spread. On this, PM Modi intervened and said that this is a very serious matter. Calling the entire Hindu community violent is a serious matter. On this, Rahul replied that I called BJP violent, Narendra Modi is not the entire Hindu society. BJP is not the entire Hindu society. RSS is not the entire Hindu society. On another occasion, when Rahul Gandhi was attacking the government, PM Modi stood up and said that this Constitution has taught me that I should take the leader of the opposition seriously.

Rahul-Home Minister Shah

Opposing Rahul Gandhi’s statement that Hindus are violent, Home Minister Amit Shah said that he/she probably does not know that crores of people proudly call themselves Hindus. Do all of them commit violence? It is not right to associate the feeling of violence with any religion and that too by a person holding a constitutional post in this House. I think he/she should apologize for this. Also, taking a jibe at Rahul Gandhi’s mention of Abhay Mudra in different religions, Amit Shah said that I would like to request him/her (Leader of Opposition) to take the opinion of Islamic scholars once on Abhay Mudra in Islam. he/she should take the opinion of SGPC on Guru Nanak Sahib’s Abhay Mudra. Shah hit back at Rahul and said that he/she has no right to talk about Abhay.

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They have terrorized the whole country during the Emergency. Lakhs of people were put in jail. If there was ever ideological terror, it was your Emergency. Interestingly, Amit Shah, while accusing Rahul, said from the Chair that the Leader of the Opposition (as the Leader of the Opposition) is speaking in the House for the first time, but he/she is going against the rules. he/she told the Speaker that we need your protection. The House does not run like this. At the same time, Amit Shah demanded Rahul Gandhi to apologize to the House, Agniveers, Hindu society and the country. After Rahul’s address, the Home Minister stood up and demanded the Speaker to ask Rahul Gandhi to verify his/her speech as per the rules, because many ministers have said that Rahul Gandhi’s speech does not contain the correct facts.

Rahul-Defense Minister Rajnath Singh

On the other hand, Rahul Gandhi attacked the government over the Agniveer Yojana, saying that through this scheme the government discriminates among the soldiers of the army and on the death of ‘Agniveers’ they do not get the status of martyr and their families do not get pension and assistance like a common soldier. On this, Rajnath Singh rejected Rahul Gandhi’s allegations and said that the Leader of Opposition is making false statements in the House, while the truth is that there is a provision of assistance of Rs 1 crore to the family of the Agniveer who lost his/her life. Rahul Gandhi alleged that the Agniveer Yojana is not the brainchild of the army, but of the Prime Minister. Registering strong objection to this allegation, the Defense Minister said that this allegation is completely wrong. The Defense Ministry had communicated with 158 organizations before implementing this scheme. Citing the UK and US, he/she said that there is a provision of such a scheme in many countries.

Rahul-Agriculture Minister

When Rahul Gandhi cornered the Central Government on the issue of MSP for farmers and said that the government is not giving MSP to farmers, Agriculture Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan, while registering his/her objection to this allegation, accused Rahul Gandhi of misstatement and said that procurement is still going on at MSP. he/she hit back at Rahul Gandhi and said that he/she should tell how much procurement was done at MSP when his/her government was in power. he/she challenged Rahul to verify that procurement is not happening at MSP. On this, Rahul said that it is not just about MSP, it is about SMP with legal guarantee.

Rahul- Speaker Om Birla

In his/her address, Rahul Gandhi also commented on the Lok Sabha Speaker. he/she told Birla that when you were elected Speaker, as per the tradition of the House, I and PM Modi went to the Chair to see you off. You shook hands with me while standing, while you greeted PM Modi by bowing. On this, the Speaker clarified that he/she follows his/her values ​​and culture. The Prime Minister is the leader of the House. In public life and in personal life, our values ​​are that when we meet someone elder than us, we should bow down and respect them, and at the same time, we should meet people of our age or younger than us as equals. I follow this culture and values. The Speaker said that I can say this from the Chair. My culture is to bow down and respect elders and if needed, touch their feet as well. On this clarification, Rahul Gandhi told the Speaker that he/she respects his/her words. But in this House, there is no one bigger than you. Here, your word is the last word. What you say defines Indian democracy. Everyone should respect you. I will bow down before you and the entire opposition will bow down before you. On the other hand, regarding Rahul Gandhi showing pictures of Gods and great men of different religions in the House, the Speaker advised him/her to avoid doing so.

Pro vs. Opposition during Rahul’s speech

During Rahul Gandhi’s address, there were a lot of allegations and criticism between the ruling party and the opposition. In the House, Rahul was sometimes seen attacking the government on important issues and sometimes taking a dig at PM Modi and his/her government, to which the ruling party opposed while the opposition was seen cheering Rahul Gandhi and supporting him/her by thumping the tables. From the ruling party’s side, Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut, who was recently elected from Mandi, was also seen making a lot of criticism. When Rahul Gandhi took a dig at PM Modi that at 8 o’clock in the night, the PM got an order from God, Kangana immediately interrupted and said that it was from Lord Ram, to which Rahul smiled sarcastically and said that yes, the order was from Lord Ram.

Priyanka and Sonia were present

When Rahul came to speak on the motion of thanks on the President’s address, his/her mother and Congress Parliamentary Party leader Sonia Gandhi and Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi were also present in the visitors’ gallery. Amidst the allegations and counter-allegations, both of them were seen discussing among themselves in between. Many Rajya Sabha MPs and big leaders were seen sitting in the gallery of the Lok Sabha to watch this address.

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