Saturday, December 14th, 2024

The new trend of dating is growing rapidly in the world, know what is textationship, are you trapped in its trap?

Apart from serious relationships, flings and friends with benefits, you have definitely heard about situationship. These words have become quite common in the world of relationships. Relationships can be of many different types and different terms are also used for it. As time progresses, the way of dating among couples is also changing. Now the name of textationship is being heard a lot.

Nowadays, many people are getting trapped in texting, knowingly or unknowingly, the new trend of relationship is becoming very popular among the youngsters. Now, after reading about being trapped, you might be thinking that it is a wrong thing, but it would probably not be right to call it wrong. But, after knowing about it you can decide yourself. In such a situation, we are going to tell you about textationship and its trap.

What is textationship?

In fact, when two people are mostly connected to each other through text messages, they prefer to talk over messages instead of talking on the phone or meeting in person. Text messages are also a medium for friendly, romantic or intimate relationships. This type of dating is called textationship. People find themselves in this when they are unable to share their feelings with anyone and use messages as their medium. Textationship is being seen mostly among Gen Z i.e. the new generation.

trap of textationship

trap of textationship

It is very easy to make and break relationships through text messages. Be it the beginning or the end of love, the most beautiful and painful moments of life are captured on the screen of the smartphone. But the question arises whether such relationships can ever actually become deep, whether there is that much truth in them. In fact, you can know someone’s feelings better by meeting than by text, so finding a true relationship and trust in texting can be a risky task.

Are you also texting?

Are you also texting?

After knowing different dating terms, many couples think that their relationship is not like that. Similarly, you may be in texting mode and you may even be realizing it. However, texting can happen not only between couples but also between friends and co-workers.
If everything you talk about is over message, you will rarely meet together. Both make every plan on message, share each other’s happiness and sorrow through messages only. If you feel more comfortable talking over text than hanging out or talking on the phone, then you are in textationship.

avoid recognizing textationship

avoid recognizing textationship

If you feel that texting is increasing in your relationship, then you need to be alert here. Although talking through text is not wrong, but to understand each other’s feelings properly, calls and meetings are also necessary. Therefore, use all mediums properly to strengthen your relationship. Also understand the value of meeting so that your relationship lasts long.

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