The nefarious designs of terrorists will never succeed… PM Modi lashes out at Pakistan from Drass

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi On Kargil Vijay Diwas, PM Modi lashed out at neighbouring country Pakistan from Drass in Ladakh. he/she said that we did not just win the war in Kargil, we also displayed a wonderful display of truth, patience and strength. You know that India was striving for peace at that time. In return, Pakistan once again showed its distrustful face. But falsehood and terror were defeated in front of truth. Friends, all the evil attempts made by Pakistan in the past have failed. However, Pakistan has not learnt anything from its history, it is trying to keep itself relevant with the help of proxy war through terrorism. But today when I am speaking from a place where the masters of terror are able to hear this voice directly, I want to tell these patrons of terrorism that their evil intentions will never succeed.

PM Modi paid tribute to the heroes

On the 25th Kargil Vijay Diwas, PM Modi paid tribute to the heroes of the Kargil war at the war memorial in Drass. During this, he/she started his/her address by saying that our voice should be heard across the border. PM Modi saluted the brave martyrs of the Kargil war, their mothers, brave women and all their families. The Prime Minister said that today this great land of Ladakh is witnessing the completion of 25 years of Kargil Vijay. Kargil Vijay Diwas tells us that the sacrifices made for the nation are immortal. Days, months, years, centuries pass, winters also pass, seasons also change but the names of those who put their lives at stake to protect the nation remain immortal.

I salute all the brave soldiers- PM

PM Modi said that this country is forever grateful to the valiant heroes of our army. It is my good fortune that during the Kargil war, I was among our soldiers as a common citizen. Today, when I am again on the land of Kargil, naturally the memories have become fresh in my mind. I remember how our army carried out such a difficult war operation at such a height. I salute all such brave soldiers who brought victory to the country. I salute the martyrs who made the supreme sacrifice to protect the motherland in Kargil.

PM Modi said- the enemy will get a befitting reply

The Prime Minister said that our brave soldiers will give a befitting reply to the enemy with full force. Be it Ladakh or Jammu and Kashmir, India will defeat every challenge coming in the way of development. In a few days, on 5 August, it will be 5 years since the abolition of Article 370. Today Kashmir is talking about a new future, talking about big dreams. Jammu and Kashmir is being recognized for holding important meetings of global summits like G-20. Along with infrastructure development, the tourism sector in Kashmir and Leh Ladakh is also developing rapidly. After decades, a cinema hall has opened in Kashmir. After three and a half decades, a Tazia procession has been taken out in Srinagar for the first time. Our heaven on earth is rapidly moving towards peace and harmony. Today, a new wave of development is also being created in Ladakh. The construction of Sinkun La tunnel has been completed, through which Ladakh will remain connected to the country throughout the year in every season. This tunnel will open a new path of new possibilities for the development of Ladakh.

‘Ladakh’s budget increased to 6 thousand crores’

PM Modi said that I remember that during the time of Corona, many of our people from Kargil region were stuck in Iran, I made a lot of efforts at a personal level to bring them back. They were brought from Iran and lodged in Jaisalmer, when the reports were completely satisfactory from the health point of view, they were sent to their homes. We are satisfied that we were able to save many lives. In the last 5 years, we have increased the budget of Ladakh from 1100 crores to 6 thousand crores. That is, there has been an increase of about 6 times. Today this money is being used in the development of the people of Ladakh, in increasing facilities here, roads, electricity, water, education, power supply, employment, the scene and scenario is also changing in every direction in Ladakh.

Defense reform made a priority- PM

Prime Minister Modi said that the work on the 13 km long Zojila tunnel is also underway, its construction will also increase all-weather connectivity on National Highway No. 1. We have set extraordinary goals for development in the border areas. The Border Roads Organisation has worked at an unprecedented pace to achieve such goals. The BRO has completed more than 300 infrastructure projects in the last 3 years, ranging from development work in Ladakh to tunnel work in the Northeast. Today’s global conditions are different from before, so our army should be modern not only in weapons and equipment but also in working style and systems. Therefore, the country needed major reforms in the defense sector for decades, the army was also demanding such a thing but unfortunately it was not given much importance earlier. In the last 10 years, we have made defense reform the first priority of the defense sector. Due to these reforms, today our forces have become more capable. They are becoming self-reliant.

Mention of Agnipath scheme on Kargil Vijay Diwas

PM Modi said that 25% of research development in defence has been reserved for the private sector. India’s defence production has now crossed Rs 1.25 lakh crore. India was once known for importing weapons. Our forces have made a list of more than 5 thousand weapons and military equipment and have decided that these 5 thousand items will no longer be imported. I congratulate the army leadership for this. I also want to appreciate India’s Arms Forces for reforms in the defence sector. Our forces have taken many bold decisions in the past years. The reason for the bold decision by the army is also the Agneepath scheme. The average age of Indian soldiers being more than the global average has been a cause of concern for all of us. Therefore, this topic has been raised in many committees for years, but the will to solve this challenge related to the security of the country was not shown earlier.

Prime Minister’s strong attack on the opposition

PM Modi also attacked the opposition. he/she said that perhaps the mentality of some people was such that the army means saluting the leaders and doing parades, for us the army means the faith of 140 crore people. It is the guarantee of peace of 140 crore countrymen, the army means the guarantee of security to the country’s borders. Through the Agneepath scheme, the country fulfilled this important dream. The goal of Agneepath is to make the army young, to keep them constantly fit for war. Unfortunately, such a sensitive subject related to national security has been made a subject of politics. Some people are doing politics on this reform of the army for their personal benefit. These are the same people who weakened our forces by committing scams worth thousands of crores in the forces, these are the same people who wanted that the Air Force should never get modern fighter jets, these are the same people who tried to put the fast fighter plane in a box.

PM Modi told the truth about Agnipath scheme

PM Modi said that the truth is that the strength of the country will increase with the Agneepath Yojana, the capable youth of the country will also come forward to serve the motherland. The private sector has also come forward to give priority to the Agniveers. What has happened to the thinking of some people, they are spreading the misconception that the government has come up with this scheme to save pension money. Someone please tell me whether the people who will be recruited in Modi’s regime today will be given pension today itself. If they have to be given pension, then it will come after 30 years. Modi will be 105 years old at that time and he/she will be abused for that today. What argument are you giving.

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