It is not easy to raise children in any way or to give them good culture or develop positive habits inside them. In today’s digital world, another responsibility of parents has increased that they have to keep their children away from phone and screen and social media which is quite difficult task.
With the help of experts and motivational speakers, you can make your parenting journey easier. In this article, we are telling you what to say about the upbringing of children of Goswal of Govardhan, Govardhan of UP.
Otto: Instagram and Freepic (Tanmay.gosval)
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Do not make mental patients
In a video on Instagram, Tanmay ji is seen saying that parents should not intimidate or threaten them to get their children their work done. This can make children mental patients. To know about this statement of Tanmay ji, you must read the entire article so that you do not have any mistake in raising your child so that he/she becomes mentally ill.
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The way is wrong to get the matter wrong

Goswal ji says that if the child is not listening to you, he/she is not sleeping or is not eating food, then you should not scare him/her. he/she said that nowadays parents say that eat food, otherwise the demon will come. It is absolutely wrong to do so parents.
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Filling the phone

At the same time, Goswal ji also said that not only today but for many years, the phone or TV is being used to feed the child. When the child does not eat food, then he/she is shown a phone to entertain and feed him/her, which is wrong.
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What does Harvard University say

Goswal ji, citing Harvard University, said that when the child is too scared, when there is a risk of emotional and intellectual problems in him/her. he/she said that doing so ends the child’s ability and mindfulness. In such a situation, it is difficult to get healthy development of the child.
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The memory becomes weak

In the video, Tanmay ji, citing the Journal of Nurosais, has said that if you scare the child a lot, it can also have a negative impact on his/her memory. Investment may be a disorder inside the child and may have a problem in maintaining focus. Do not use scary and fearful names in front of the child, but take the name of God.
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