Tuesday, February 18th, 2025

The face will glow with the blackness of roasted turmeric, the complexion will become so clear that no one will be able to look away.

Glowing skin is the desire of all women, for which many types of skin care and cosmetic products are available in the market nowadays. But before using them, this thought comes in everyone’s mind that if it does not suit our face then the skin can get damaged. Obviously this fear is justified because chemicals are used in these products.

In such a situation, our first attitude is towards natural things and we try to use only those things on the face so that they are natural and also beneficial for the skin. That’s why today we have brought a very effective remedy for you, to prepare which a powder has been made from two things and then from that powder face pack Has been created. You can also use it as body polishing and make your face and body shine. Let us know how to make it.

Benefits of applying turmeric on face

Turmeric is as beneficial for our body as it is for the skin. This is because it has antibacterial, antifungal and anti-aging properties which help in healing and preventing the progression of skin problems as well as preventing wrinkles on the face. Turmeric is also used to lighten the spots and blemishes on the face. Let us now know how to prepare a face pack from roasted turmeric.

What is needed to make a face pack?

What is needed to make a face pack?
  • Turmeric- 2 teaspoons
  • Orange peel- 1
  • Potato- 1/2 piece
  • Coffee- 1 teaspoon
  • Lemon juice- 2 teaspoons
  • Honey- 2 spoons

How to make face pack with roasted turmeric

How to make face pack with roasted turmeric
  • First of all, heat the pan and add 2 spoons of turmeric in it and fry it well.
  • When the turmeric turns black, take it out in a bowl and add coffee, peel of an orange, half a potato and coffee powder and mix it well.
  • Prepare a paste by putting this mixture in a mixer and then take it out in a bowl.
  • Now add one spoon lemon juice and honey in the bowl and mix well.
  • Apply this black pack on your face and leave it to dry for 10 minutes.
  • When the time is over, wash your face with normal water.
  • See how the glow of your face has increased manifold and it looks as if you have just come from the parlor.

Is it beneficial to apply orange peel on face?

Is it beneficial to apply orange peel on face?

yes, you Use of orange peel on face Can do because Vitamin C is found in abundance in it, which helps in lightening acne scars from the face, reducing wrinkles and getting rid of acne. If you want, you can make a paste of orange peels or dry it and prepare powder and use it.

How to make face pack with roasted turmeric

How beneficial is it to apply honey on face?

How beneficial is it to apply honey on face?

Honey is a source of antioxidants, which when applied on the face makes our skin look healthy, moisturized and soft. Also, using honey on the face in winter does not make our skin dry. If you want, you can also prepare a face scrub by mixing honey with oats and use it on your face.

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