Monday, February 17th, 2025

The child is sitting sad, what should be said and what not? Experts explained in simple language

Sadness and happiness, both are necessary in life. In sorrow we come to know who is with us, and in happiness we come to know whose company we have left due to ego. However, we will call only those people ours who support us even in sorrow. But those who have to live together, many times they are not able to understand that when the other person is very sad, what should they say and what not, how much should they say and when should they remain silent?

This becomes even more important in the case of children. Children become sad over the smallest things. In such a situation, parents do not understand how to handle this situation. If you also fall into this kind of problem in your parenting life, then with the help of experts here you can know what you should do?

When the child gets low marks

When a child or teenager gets low marks or is unable to pass a competition, there is no dearth of people who taunt, make sarcasm, and give unsolicited suggestions. Everyone becomes a career counselor. One should avoid such a person and also protect one’s children.

What is not right to say?

What is not right to say?

In case of low marks or failure, children are often compared with others. It is also said that you cut off the nose. It is completely wrong to say such things. Let me tell you right away that you may not have prepared properly. This is also not correct. Actually, the person himself is going through the impulse of emotions. Such things can trouble the child.

What is right to say or do?

What is right to say or do?

While encouraging the child, things like this can definitely be said that it was just an exam. There will be more such exams in future. Do well in them. Yes, after a few days, when the matter calms down, then we can definitely talk about removing those shortcomings. So that the child does not have to face such a situation in future.

The right way to talk to teenagers

The right way to talk to teenagers

As long as children get their clothes changed by their parents, they are completely dependent on their parents. There is no privacy at all. But as age increases, usually after 7 to 8 years, they start doing such things on their own. At that time they also want privacy. At the same time, they do not like to be interrupted in everything.

Yes, from this age onwards if things are explained and explained instead of scolding, it makes a lot of difference. At the same time, when children have crossed the age of 13, it is not right to interact with teenagers full of new hormones and new energy.

Keep ignoring the child’s mistake until it seems that he/she can cause physical, social, financial or any other harm to himself. If he/she is making small mistakes, but at the same time you can see that he/she is improving himself, then it is right to ignore him/her.

What is right to say and what is wrong to say?

What is right to say and what is wrong to say?

Talking about wrong, children should not be compared with others at all. Apart from this, one should not shout at any small mistake. Similarly, if we talk about what to say to children, then we should listen carefully to what the child says. Questions related to those things should also be asked. If bullying has taken place in school or college etc. then the administration there should be informed about it. There is no harm in giving suggestions as a friend.

Note that, instead of telling their problems to their parents, some teenagers share their issues or problems with a close relative. This often happens when they feel that they will not be held responsible for their problems. Their views will be taken into consideration and the correct solution will also be given.

Simply put, we share things only with those people on whom we trust. Its foundation is not laid in a day. When parents constantly fight with each other, when parents get very angry at the children, and blame the children for everything, then it is possible that they may start looking for support outside.

When the teenager is silent or has he/she been bullied?

When the teenager is silent or has he/she been bullied?

This is the stage of age when things are changing. New hormones start being produced. Testosterone starts being produced in boys and estrogen, oxytocin etc. in girls. Sperm starts forming in boys and periods start in girls. In such a situation, some teenagers are unable to keep pace with the world and the environment. They start remaining silent. Sometimes they are also harassed in their schools or colleges. They become victims of bullying. In such a situation, the role of parents becomes more important than that of relatives.

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