The body had become dry and the girlfriend also left him/her, the guy built a strong body, the whole world is asking for his/her secret

There was mockery of thinness

Rashid told that in the year 2015 his/her weight was only 47 kg. his/her body was very thin. he/she was not able to do any work properly. he/she always felt tired and weak. Due to his/her thinness, his/her friends and acquaintances used to make fun of him/her. According to Rashid, due to his/her weak body, no girl wanted to befriend or come close to him/her. However, somehow he/she became friends with a girl. But with time she also did not like him/her and she also left him/her. Rashid was badly affected by the taunts of friends and his/her girlfriend leaving him/her.

This is how the journey from zero to hero started

This is how the journey from zero to hero started

Rashid started thinking seriously about his/her health and decided to join a gym. Even after joining the gym in 2015, he/she was not able to gain weight. Rashid said, ‘At that time I thought I should leave the gym but I was determined to do something. Then I changed my exercise and diet.

Heavy weight training and healthy diet helped

Heavy weight training and healthy diet helped

Rashid said, ‘After not getting good results in the beginning, I changed my exercise and diet. I started heavy weight training which included exercises like weight lifting, dumbbell exercises, bench press, squats, deadlift, leg press, biceps exercises, chest press etc. According to Rashid, whether you want to lose weight or gain weight, it is very important to take a healthy diet in both cases. Since Rashid had to gain weight in a healthy way and get into a perfect shape, his/her diet was also prepared accordingly.

Weight increased to 74 kg

Weight increased to 74 kg

Rashid said that after heavy weight training and healthy diet, my weight increased by about 10 kg in a few years. Then I felt that I should change my exercise and diet again. I am very happy to see the result. Now my weight is 74 kg and you can see the result.

Today he/she is a gym trainer

Today he/she is a gym trainer

Today Rashid is one of those bodybuilders who have won titles like Gold in Mr North India, Gold in Mr India Overall and is also an official trainer in the gym. Rashid said, ‘I want to tell all those people who go to the gym. Gym is not easy. If you are determined then you can do it, but if you think that you will not be able to do it then you will never be able to do it. I just want to say that if you are determined then no one can defeat you.

Disclaimer: What worked for the author may not necessarily work for you. So avoid blindly following the diet-workout mentioned in this article and find out what works best for your body.

If you have a similar weight loss story to share, send it to us at

This was the diet plan

This was the diet plan

​Scrambled eggs with spinach and cheese (3 eggs)/ one banana or one apple/ handful of nuts (almonds, walnuts or cashews)
​2 whole grain breads with avocado / oatmeal with milk (topped with banana, peanut butter and chia seeds)
A glass of milk or protein shake

Mid-morning snacks
​Smoothie made with milk, protein powder, spinach, banana and peanut butter

​Grilled Chicken Breast with Quinoa, Roasted Vegetables and Salad
Lentil soup with whole grain bread

Evening Snacks
​Trail mix with nuts, seeds and dried fruits / Boiled eggs with whole grain bread (2)
Apple slices with almond butter

​Baked Salmon with Brown Rice, Steamed Broccoli and Side Salad
Rice/dal/vegetable and boiled eggs

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