First of all- couplets on Teacher’s Day
There is no giver like the Guru, there is no beggar like his/her disciple.
The wealth of three worlds is given as a gift by the Guru.
That is… in the whole world there is no donor like Giru and no beggar like the disciple. This couplet of Sant Kabir is enough to describe the glory of the priceless, nectar-like relationship of the Guru and the disciple.
Beginning of speech on Teachers Day

Respected Principal Sir, respected teachers, and my dear friends,
Today we have gathered here for a very special occasion, which we know as Teachers’ Day. World Teachers’ Day is celebrated on 5 October in the world, but in India, National Teachers’ Day is celebrated on 5 September. Because we celebrate this day in memory of the great educationist and former President of the country, Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, on his/her birthday. he/she had said that ‘If instead of celebrating my birthday, it is celebrated as Teachers’ Day, it would be a matter of great pride for me.’
few lines for teacher

Teachers are the guides of our life. Teachers are the lamps that remove the darkness of ignorance and spread the light of knowledge. They not only give us bookish knowledge but also teach us the basic lessons of life. They make us self-reliant, responsible and morally strong.
Express your gratitude to teachers

This day reminds us how important the contribution of teachers is in our lives. How important it is to show gratitude and respect to our teachers. Without their hard work and dedication we cannot move towards success. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all my teachers. We will always be indebted to you for your education and guidance.
Teachers’ Day (3)