Thursday, February 13th, 2025

Snakes will never enter the house after planting these plants, their strong smell will act as a protective shield

Along with diseases, the risk of animals and dangerous snakes entering the house increases during monsoon. Snakes come out the most in this season as their burrows fill with water. In such a situation, people whose house is on the first floor or ground floor need to be alert. Apart from this, caution has to be taken even if the house is near a river, drain, pond or park.

No one wants to ever encounter a snake, everyone folds their hands from a distance. By the way, let us tell you that some plants can be very useful in keeping snakes away from home. The strong smell of these plants will prevent snakes from coming to your house. In such a situation, we are giving you information about these plants.

Sarpagandha plant

It is claimed that the smell of Sarpagandha is so strange that snakes start running away as soon as they smell it. The roots of this plant, full of natural properties, are yellow and brown in color. While the leaves are bright green in color. It can be planted in the balcony to keep snakes away from your house during the rainy season.

wormwood plant

wormwood plant

Snakes cannot tolerate the smell of wormwood. In order to keep away dangerous creatures like snakes from your house during monsoon, wormwood plant can be planted in the courtyard, balcony or even on the main gate. You will easily find this plant in the nursery, it is also not difficult to plant it in a pot.

marigold flower plant

marigold flower plant

The yellow marigold plant not only enhances the beauty of the house but also keeps snakes away. Actually, snakes do not like the strong fragrance of the beautiful looking marigold flower at all. Therefore, you can plant the marigold plant in the garden, balcony and terrace of the house.



Cactus, one of the indoor plants, is also helpful in repelling snakes. Actually this plant is thorny and snakes do not like to wander around such plants. Therefore, you can plant cactus in a place like balcony, window. You can even plant it inside the house.

Snake Plant

Snake Plant

The snake plant has been named Mother in Law’s Tongue due to its long rootstocks. This plant looks sharp and pointed like a tongue. It is believed that snakes do not like the appearance of this plant and hence always run away from such plants. By the way, this indoor plant also looks great in home decoration.

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