Revelations from police action
A senior police officer said that the result of police action is that fake and adulterated factories could be caught in recent years. They pose a serious threat to health. For example, some time ago the police raided two factories in Karaval Nagar and seized 15,000 kg of fake spices, which were being made from rotten rice, wooden sawdust, berries and harmful chemicals. Similarly, 18,000 liters of fake refined oil was recovered in Ajmer, Rajasthan, in which adulteration was being done by labeing various brands.
Truth of fake and adulterated products
- Amchur powder: Apart from rotten rice, berries, wooden sawdust, many other chemical and grounded soil were prepared.
- Chili powder: Prepared chili powder mixed with bad chili, chili stalks, rotten rice, color and some other chemicals.
- Coriander powder: 10% of real coriander would be prepared by mixing wooden sawdust, rotten millet, bran and chemical.
- Garam Masala: Eucalyptus tree leaves, rotten berries, black pepper husk, cumin sticks, cloves, ready, ready.
- Turmeric Powder: Prepare turmeric powder with the help of rotten turmeric, rotten rice, soil, rotten millet, color and chemical.
- Desi Ghee: Remove 60% of ghee from branded ghee compartments and prepare with the essence of the fragrance of refined, vegetation and desi ghee in it.
- Tooth paste: Chemical -rich paste, paparament and other harmful oils are prepared.
Cancer, obesity, risk of heart disease
Health experts also periodically issue warnings that adulterated or fake food products are pose a threat to major diseases. It can contain elements such as trans-fatty acids, chemicals and cancer, which increase the risk of heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure and cancer. Some time ago, tomato sauce, garlic chutney, mix pickles were being made in Delhi itself in Delhi itself. 1457 kg of goods have been seized from the factory. Rotten tomatoes, potatoes, pumpkin were also found on the spot during the raid. Which was being boiled and sauce was being made. Neither the expiry date of the product nor the manufacturing date was written in the packet prepared on the spot.
Fake cumin in ratio of 80:20
A few years ago, a factory for making fake cumin was caught in Bawana area. It was being made from wild grass (which makes flowers broom), jaggery molasses and stone powder. Police recovered 19,400 kg fake cumin, 5250 kg stone powder, 1600 kg flower broom (wild grass) and 1225 kg molasses from the factory. Fake cumin was sold in the real cumin in the ratio of 80:20 and sold for millions of rupees. The entire network of fake cumin was connected to different states of the country.
Where are the hideouts of the accused
According to the police officer, this is the entire syndicate. To make fake and adulterated products, either a deserted or village countryside area or a densely populated place in the narrow streets. The trend that has been found in recent times includes places like Delhi’s outer and village countryside area and grooming dense population like Burari, Wazirabad. Where the police detect these locations with the help of local intelligence.
Which market consumes
Fake/adulterated goods are cheaper by 5 to 10 rupees as compared to real. Customers are given cheap greed and retail vendors are given profits in more margins. Their supply chain reaches the weekly markets, pantas, fairs, small shopkeepers in different cities, villages including Delhi. Fake products in the name of branded companies are being transported to Nepal and Bangladesh. The DIU official said that the biggest hideout in Delhi NCR is Khoda Colony, Loni, Khari Baoli, Sadar Bazar and Bridge Sweet area. It is also true that adulterants are linked to some shopkeepers and warehouse owners of Sadar Bazaar. Due to consumption, wholesalers selling real and quality products in Sadar Bazar are seen with suspicion.