Sunday, February 16th, 2025

Save ₹2000 in the gym, do these 6 exercises at home to lose weight, the hanging belly will sink inwards

Nowadays every woman wants a perfect figure. If it fluctuates a little, they try various methods of weight loss, sometimes gymming, sometimes at home. Although, all these do lead to weight loss, but in the long run the side effects start appearing just as quickly, which are an open invitation to many diseases.

If you are thinking of losing weight these days, that too without any harm, then here are some exercises that will reduce belly fat and make you slim. The advantage is that you can do them at home.

If you do them in the right way and regularly, you will get very good results. So let’s know about weight loss exercises that can be done at home.

spot run

The best exercise for fast weight loss is spot run. In this, you can start running in a comfortable position. Run on the spot for 1 to 2 minutes. If you are a beginner, start jogging for 20-30 seconds. Take a one-minute break, drink some water and start again.

Mountain Climber

Mountain Climber

This exercise helps a lot in tightening the sagging skin of the stomach. You can say that it is a kind of cardio, which helps in toning the body. To do this exercise, sit in a high plank position. Keep the back straight and the core tight. Bring your right leg to the chest. Come back to the position and do this process with the other leg. Within a month you will see a difference in your weight.

Bicycle Crunch

Bicycle Crunch

Bicycle crunch is a perfect exercise for weight loss. To do this, lie on your back on the ground. Place your hands behind your head and bend your knees at a 90 degree angle. Now lift your shoulders and turn your torso to the left. Then bring your right elbow to your left knee. Repeat this entire process on the other side as well.

jump rope

jump rope

Jumping rope exercises the whole body. This exercise helps a lot in burning calories. You can do it comfortably at home. Jumping rope for 30 minutes to 1 hour daily reduces about 200-300 calories. This workout not only increases your heart rate but also accelerates blood circulation in the body.

Eat to lose weight

do push ups

do push ups

Pushups are the most popular exercise for weight loss. In this, you have to lift your body above the ground and apply force, which burns calories. If you are a beginner, then you can do 20-25 pushups at a time. However, later it can be increased to 40-50.

ride a bicycle

ride a bicycle

Cycling is another great way to lose weight. You can burn about 400-750 calories per hour by cycling daily. However, this depends on your weight, how fast you are going and the type of cycling you are doing.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always contact your doctor for more information.

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