Sunday, February 16th, 2025

Sages and saints said that this thing is a mine of calcium, it will fill 900mg calcium in each bone, remove impurities from the blood

Bone weakness makes the body hollow. Such people also keep getting fractures. Bone pain makes their life miserable. Ayurveda also tells the method of curing bone weakness. Even when people did not know about calcium, the sages of Ayurveda had given information about things that make bones strong.

These Ayurvedic things contain calcium. You can use them to bring life into the bones that have become hollow. These remedies also provide other benefits to the body. They help in removing the dirt that invites disease. Let us know what to eat when you have weak bones?

Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds contain all the nutrients required for bones in good quantities. Calcium, magnesium, manganese and zinc are found in these seeds. USDA According to the WHO, 100 grams of sesame seeds contain more than 900 mg calcium. Their consumption provides fiber which plays a role in removing dirty cholesterol from the blood.



Amla is considered a superfood in Ayurveda. It cleanses the blood, revitalizes the skin and hair and provides vitamin C. This fruit increases the absorption of calcium in the body. So that all the calcium you are taking reaches the bones. It can be used in the form of powder, juice or raw fruit.

Make your bones strong like this



If there is pain or fracture in the bones, it can be a symptom of osteoporosis. Use Ashwagandha to treat it. This Ayurvedic herb increases bone strength. It maintains the amount of calcium in the body and improves bone health. Taking Ashwagandha powder with milk gives more benefits.



Asparagus helps in increasing the thickness and strength of bones. It also maintains hormonal balance in the body which improves bone health. It can be taken in the form of asparagus powder or as supplements. It also removes weakness inside the body.



Guggul reduces inflammation of bones and fills them with life. It accelerates the repair of bones and provides relief from joint pain. People who have suffered a fracture should definitely consume it. Guggul should be consumed on the advice of an Ayurvedic doctor.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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