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Monday, July 8th, 2024

Sadhguru said, ‘Parents should do this for their children for just a few minutes, their entire life will improve’

Parents get a lot of advice on raising children. Sometimes the elders of the house give advice, and sometimes parenting experts tell how to handle children. At the same time, raising children these days has become even more difficult for parents.

In such a situation, Sadhguru told how parents should raise their children. he/she said that you are raising a new generation, so you should be very careful in this. Instead of buying toys for your child, spend time with him/her. This is more important for children. Take your child to nature. Sadhguru says that parents should emphasize on spending time with their children. Let us know what are the benefits of spending time with children.

Photo Credit: Instagram (Sadhguru)

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It is good for children

NCBI A research published in 2013 states that the time parents spend with their child has an impact on the child’s overall health. If you want your child to be mentally and emotionally healthy, then you must spend enough time with him/her during the day.

Photo courtesy: pexels

Mental health is good

Mental health is good

Spending time with family not only reduces stress and anxiety of children but also parents. This benefits the overall mental development of the child. When you talk to your close ones, you express your thoughts and feelings, which relieves the feeling of stress and loneliness.

All photos courtesy: freepik

Self-confidence increases

Self-confidence increases

Children whose parents participate in activities together feel that their parents value them. This brings positivity in the child and increases his/her self-esteem and self-confidence. You too should start spending time with your child from today itself.

are good in studies

are good in studies

Children who spend more time with their parents, do homework together or do activities like reading books together, understand the importance of studies and perform better in the field of education. In this way, parents can also help their child in studies.

communication skills

communication skills

When you spend time with your children, you make your child feel that he/she can talk to you openly. This promotes open communication. With its help, the child is able to tell you his/her thoughts openly and this also strengthens the relationship between you two. Spend time with your child and talk to him/her openly.

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