Sunday, December 22nd, 2024

Sadhguru called Kavuni rice the most powerful, better than Basmati, what is its identity and the right way to eat it.

Rice must be eaten in the diet. It is a good source of carbs and provides essential fiber, amino acids, vitamin B6, iron, niacin, folate for the stomach. It is a very good source of energy and is easily digested.

Most people consider Basmati to be the best rice variety. But black Kavuni rice is the most powerful in terms of antioxidants that protect against many dangerous diseases. Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev has told about the way and time to eat it.

Black Kavuni rice is very easy to identify. The black-violet color tells about it easily. It is believed to have originated in India and China.
(Photo courtesy: Instagram/Sadhguru and iStock)

Which is the best rice?

Sadhguru called it ‘black magic’

Sadhguru calls black kavuni rice as black magic, which is like a miracle. Black Kavuni rice is a good source of many nutrients. In which protein, fiber and iron are prominent.

Best rice to eat

Best rice to eat

According to Sadhguru, some studies show that it contains 23 types of antioxidants and this is more than any other rice. This means that it is the best rice in the world in terms of antioxidants. this quality Protection against heart diseases Gives.

cancer prevention rice

cancer prevention rice

The color of this rice is black-violet due to anthocyanin pigment. It has excellent anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer effects on the body. According to Sadhguru, consuming it daily has been shown to be beneficial in reducing the spread of breast cancer.

Best way to eat kavuni rice

Best way to eat kavuni rice

Sadhguru said that eating it by making khichdi or porridge is more beneficial. Eating it for breakfast is a great option. In this way you can get its benefits.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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