Sunday, March 16th, 2025

Repeated pressure on children may cause Hurried Child Syndrome, parents should correct their mistake.

What are its signs?

If you are on children’s day Extra Curricular Activities If you over-schedule and the child has to take classes one after the other and due to all these things the child is feeling pressured and does not even get time to go out to play, then it means that your child is also Coming under the grip of hurried child syndrome.

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have high expectations

have high expectations

Children learn and develop according to their age and understanding, but when parents If too many expectations are placed on them, then pressure starts building on the children to do better than their capabilities and abilities. Children are expected to excel in studies or sports, whether they have any interest in it or not.

Photo Credit: freepik

pressure to be successful

pressure to be successful

When parents constantly put pressure on their child to be perfect or ask him/her to be a role model, then the child pressure and stress Can feel. On the other hand, if the child fails to fulfill the expectations of his/her parents, then both his/her innocence and self-confidence diminish.

Photo Credit: freepik

have to understand deeply

have to understand deeply

Asian Journal of Nursing Education and ResearchAccording to an article published in, this syndrome is related to stress and it occurs when the child’s parents expect him/her to perform well beyond his/her mental, social or emotional capacity.

What can parents do?

What can parents do?

If you want to protect your child from this syndrome, then do not expect more from him/her than his/her ability and age. Love the child and make him/her realize that he/she is very important to you and you love him/her beyond success and failure. Instead of putting pressure on the child, support him/her.

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