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Sunday, June 23rd, 2024

Randhir Kapoor did not support his/her daughters, considers himself a bad father, you should not make this mistake, become a best dad like this

Often the father is behind the success of his/her daughters. Every father supports his/her daughters throughout their life to give them wings. But this was not the case with famous actor Randhir Kapoor. he/she considers himself a bad father. Randhir Kapoor revealed this during an interview with radio channel 92.5.

Kapoor said that both Kareena and Karisma made their own identity on their own. They never supported their daughters. Someone has rightly said that being a good father is not easy. To be the best father, one has to always be present in the children’s life, and have to be sympathetic to the children’s needs. If you want to know the secret of being a good father, then the tips given here can be useful for you.

Be present all the time

To be a good father, your presence with the children is very important. This means that you should take out time for the children every day or every week. If you have more than one child, then give personal attention to each child. Manage your work schedule in such a way that you are present for the children’s school programs and ceremonies. Your presence there will give a lot of courage to the children.

Show love to children

Show love to children

No matter how strict you are with discipline, love your children. A good father is the one who, along with teaching life lessons to his/her children, also makes them feel that he/she loves them a lot. Try to make your children not afraid of you, but tell them their thoughts openly. If you love your children, you will get their love in return.

Admit when you made a mistake

Admit when you made a mistake

You don’t have to be perfect to be a role model for children. It’s not that only children make mistakes. If you have made a mistake, you should apologize and say that you know you are wrong. This teaches children that there is nothing wrong in admitting a mistake.

support the decision

support the decision

A father should always support his/her children’s choices and decisions. Be it schooling, career, job or any other thing related to life, give them full support. Keep in mind that children can progress only when parents promote their positive growth and development.

Be aware of children’s struggles

Be aware of children's struggles

Fathers are often busy due to responsibilities. In such a situation, their connection with children becomes a little less. But it is the responsibility of a good father to be aware of how much your child is struggling. Talk to him/her about this. This will let the child know how much you care for him/her.

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