Puri can be made with vegetables on the same gas, know the easy way to save money

You must have heard of finding an opportunity in a disaster, but you may not be able to find a way to save money. Inflation is increasing so much that it has become necessary to think about saving money. Now the gas cylinder used daily is also becoming expensive, so people have started finding ways to save money on it.

Actually, a video of a woman is going viral on social media, in which she has told the method of making puri along with vegetables on the same gas. This will reduce the consumption of gas cylinder, by the way, if you also want to learn this method for saving, we are telling you the trick of the woman.

Prepare the vegetables first

It is very easy to use the trick told by the woman, for this, first of all, after cutting the vegetables, prepare the masala and temper the vegetables. You have to make it in a completely normal way as you cook at home. You also have to knead the dough for the puri and keep it aside.

This way two things will be done simultaneously

This way two things will be done simultaneously

While the vegetable is cooking in the vessel, keep a pan on top of it. Actually, the oil will heat up due to the steam, in this case you can make puri without using another gas stove. In the viral video, the woman is also showing how to make puri, so you can try this trick.

Learn the method from a woman

gas will be saved

gas will be saved

If the trick told by the woman works, then it would not be wrong to say that there will definitely be savings on gas cylinders in your house. Because we will be able to do two tasks on the same gas stove, so you will not need to spend different gas for different tasks.

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