At the same time, if you talk about the increasing divorce case nowadays Premanand Ji Maharaj Have expressed their opinion. Whose videos are also going viral on social media. In which the question of Maharaj’s devotee is giving the reason for divorce. Here, he/she has also talked about girlfriend-boyfriend and live in relationship culture and has connected it to the divorce.
Girlfriend-boyfriend and live-in relationship
Premanand Maharaj says that as long as the culture of girlfriend-boyfriend and live-in relationship is done, the divorce will continue. And, it will continue very fast. Giving examples about this, he/she said that a person who starts eating 4 hotels on his/her tongue does not like the food made in his/her house.
Do not understand the importance of relationships

Premanand Maharaj says that if you make girlfriends or boyfriends 4 times, you will be able to live with a wife or wife. Those who, boy or girl breakup on talk, will understand the importance of relationships. Premanand described such people as corrupt. Maharaj said that neither the girl will be able to live with such boys nor a boy.
Is it very important to be pure?

Apart from this, Premanand Maharaj advised that when two people met, they should be pure for each other. Life behind should not be dug. If you have started a new relationship, then we should think that from today we are yours and you are ours. Dirty things will not stop until the divorce is closed. In such a situation, he/she also appealed to keep life holy.
Know the argument of Premanand Maharaj
Why will the youth talk

Actually, today’s youth follow the relationship dating trend very much. In which Situationsship and bench As trends are included. Even dadt means Don’t ask, don’t tell There are also attention. In these relationships, very few people are serious. Therefore, the youth of today can hardly understand the matter of Premanand Maharaj.
Disclaimer: The claims made in this article are based on Instagram video and information received on the Internet. NBT does not take its truth and accuracy responsibility.