Friday, January 3rd, 2025

Pregnant, there is vitamin mineral deficiency in the body, expert told what to eat?

A balanced and nutrient-rich diet is beneficial for health. But if a woman is thinking of conceiving, then nutrition is very important for her. Because this maintains the health of both mother and child. Experts also advise the expectant mother to include foods rich in vitamins and minerals in her diet, so that the child can develop properly. Even the slightest deficiency of these in the body can cause harm to both mother and child.

Dr. Komal Malik, Head Dietitian of Asian Institute of Medical Sciences, tells what a pregnant woman can eat if there is vitamin and mineral deficiency in the body.

Harm caused by vitamin mineral deficiency during pregnancy

During pregnancy, care has to be taken that the diet of the expectant mother is rich in nutrients. Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients that maintain the health of the fetus. It is only with their help that the child grows and develops well. Due to vitamin deficiency during pregnancy, the pregnant woman may have to suffer from anemia, back pain, cramps, fatigue and high blood pressure.

eat protein

eat protein

According to experts, protein is a tissue building nutrient. The demand for protein in the body increases in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, vegetarian people can eat soybean, gram, kidney beans, chickpeas to fulfill the protein deficiency. Whereas non-vegetarian people get adequate amount of protein from eggs and chicken.

Increase folic acid intake

Increase folic acid intake

Folic acid is a micronutrient that a pregnant woman needs a lot. This is a type of Vitamin B, whose demand remains before and during pregnancy. To avoid vitamin deficiency in a pregnant woman’s body, she is asked to take folic acid. Green leafy vegetables contain good amounts of folic acid. Its consumption helps in brain development of the fetus.

Calcium is an essential mineral during pregnancy.

Calcium is an essential mineral during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, calcium is needed to strengthen the bones and teeth of the baby. This mineral is easily found in milk and milk products. It is necessary to take 1000 mg calcium every day during pregnancy. Experts said that women who have lactose intolerance can eat curd and cheese. Legumes, nuts and unsweetened soy and almond milk are good in the diet of women with milk intolerance.

Iron is the best option

Iron is the best option

Iron is also an essential mineral. During pregnancy, iron is necessary for the body to produce more hemoglobin. If it is not taken in the right quantity, there may be blood deficiency in the pregnant body, which is called anemia. To fulfill the amount of iron in the body, it is a good option to include green vegetables, dates and fruits in the diet.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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