PM Modi’s advice for students in discussion in the exam
- PM Modi answered the students’ questions through his/her personal experiences. On the importance of points, he/she added it to a cricketer focusing on the next ball, not the conclusion. he/she urged the students to focus on learning more than the exam marks.
- In order to deal with anxiety and depression, PM Modi compared the emotions to the pressure cooker. he/she said that to reduce the increasing stress, it is necessary to openly share his/her feelings with loved ones.
- PM Modi said that respect is earned from behavior, not sought. he/she emphasized the teamwork, patience and the mantra of ‘Jahan Kama, Hum’. he/she said that leaders should be present when needed. Faith and honestly lead to leadership.
- PM Modi urged self-consciousness to deal with the pressure of the examination. he/she asked the students to focus on activities other than the course to be refreshed.
PM Modi’s suggestions for parents

- PM Modi urged teachers and parents to recognize and enhance the talent of the students. he/she emphasized the overall development of children beyond the examinations.
- PM Modi urged parents not to impose their desires on the students who come to their minds to see someone else’s children. The Prime Minister said that his/her children should not be compared to any other child.
- The Prime Minister said that parents should always stand as support of children in every situation.
- Apart from the children, PM Modi also appealed to the parents that they should recognize the real abilities of their children and promote them and should not only think focused on Marx.
Pariksha pe charcha PM modi tips

Pariksha Pe Charcha PM Narendra Modi Tips