Tuesday, February 18th, 2025

Pakistan’s Aruba Mirza looks sweet 16 even at the age of 28, tells the secret of her young and beautiful skin

There are many beauties of Pakistan whose beauty many people are crazy about, like look at Hania Aamir, there is no dearth of her fans in India too. But there is another actress whose looks make people lose their hearts. There is another such beauty whose facial glow continues to increase with age.

We are talking about 28 year old Pakistani actress and model Aruba Mirza, seeing the beauty of whose face every girl wants to get the same beauty. Then what is the delay? Come today let us tell you about Aruba’s very effective face pack Are going to tell, which she herself uses. Let us know what she uses to make face packs. (Photo courtesy: Instagram @arubamirzaofficial_)

This is the recipe for rose petals

The secret of the beauty of Aruba’s flower-like face is the powder made from rose petals. In Ayurveda, this powder is considered very beneficial for the skin, because anti-aging and moisturizing properties are found in it. Let us now know how Pakistani actress Aruba uses rose petals on her face.

What is needed to make a pack?

What is needed to make a pack?
  • Rose petal powder- 2 teaspoons
  • Curd- 2 spoons
  • Honey- 1 teaspoon

Note- You can increase or decrease the ingredients mentioned above as per your need. Also, if you want, you can also use glycerine to increase its benefits.

Prepare face pack like this

Prepare face pack like this
  • If you want, you can dry rose petals and prepare powder from them at home, otherwise you will get the powder daily in the market also.
  • To prepare a face pack, take a bowl and add 2 spoons of curd, 2 spoons of rose powder and 2 spoons of honey and mix it well.
  • Apply the prepared pack on your face and leave it to dry for 10-15 minutes.
  • When the time is over, wash your face with lukewarm water.
  • See how your face blooms like a rose as soon as you wash your face.
  • You can use this remedy twice a week and make your skin glowing.

What happens by applying honey on face?

What happens by applying honey on face?

Antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-aging properties are found in honey, which works to nourish the skin, reduce the effects of aging, soften the skin and maintain the necessary moisture. Benefits of honey for skin There are so many of them that if you want, you can apply it directly on your face also.

Secret of beauty of Pakistani actress Aruba Mirza

What happens when you apply curd on your face?

What happens when you apply curd on your face?

Lactic acid is found in curd, so it works to remove dead skin cells and give glow to the skin. Other than this use of curd on face By doing this, our skin not only gets cleared but fine lines are reduced, the skin remains hydrated and the acne caused by heat also reduces. Therefore curd is used in many home remedies.

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