Sunday, February 9th, 2025

Opinion: There are differences in Hinduism but there is a desire for unity in Islam! Understand Jinnah’s version of secular politics

New Delhi: Today, a large section of Muslims in the country is again making a blatant display of divisive mentality, but the entire opposition is calling Hindutva poisonous. They also know that if they win the elections to reap the benefits and reach the seat of power, it is possible only because there is a large majority of Hindus here. But they see all the evils of the world in Hindutva only. Then they also cleverly tell that the Hindutva they oppose is something else and the real Hindutva is something else. But how dare they say the same thing about Islam. The same thing was raised by the anchor of the program Ashok Srivastava in a debate show on the government television channel DD News. When he/she asked the Samajwadi Party spokesperson, who was explaining the secrets of Hindutva, whether he/she would be able to tell the same secrets in Islam, he/she remained silent. The anchor kept asking again and again, the SP leader kept avoiding the question again and again. he/she could not muster the courage to even pronounce the word Islam even once.

Islamic terrorists spread across the world, but the poison is in Hindutva!

Former Congress President and recently elected Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha, Rahul Gandhi also says that Hindutva and RSS are a threat to the country. he/she even said in Lok Sabha that those who call themselves Hindus indulge in violence 24 hours a day, live in hatred and speak lies. Then when the ruling party questioned this, he/she immediately resorted to cunning that he/she has said this about BJP people, not all Hindus. So are the leaders, workers and their supporters associated with BJP violent Hindus? Social media user Vijay Patel has given a strong reply to Rahul’s comment. he/she wrote, ‘Rahul Gandhi is so brave that he/she is fighting against Hindutva! That is why I am telling the names of 143 Hindutva terrorist organizations from all over the world. Our earth and the entire human race are in danger because of these Hindutva terrorist organizations. I will show you all those names.’ Patel has posted a list of Islamic terrorist organizations spread across the world with this taunt. You also see…

The truth of secular politics- Divide Hindus, keep Muslims united

Well, this was about the so-called secular mindset of turning truth into lie and lie into truth. Now let us talk about how the same secular brigade, which sees a difference between Swami Vivekananda and BJP’s Hindutva, covers up the flaws of Islam. No one can deny that caste is a reality in Hindu society. But hasn’t Hindu society changed itself with the changing times? Isn’t the grip of castes weakening rapidly today? On the other hand, what about Muslims? Are there no castes there? Are there no sects there? Don’t the upper castes of Muslims dominate the entire community? But those who leave no stone unturned in pitting Hindus against each other in the name of caste, want unity among Muslims. There is only one mindset behind this, Hindus should not vote one-sidedly by getting divided into castes and if the so-called secular party gets the bulk of the Muslim votes, then it’s great. For this, they are ready to push the country and society into the abyss, and on top of that, they have the audacity to claim to be the most pious. This is the reality of secular parties. If Muslims are divided on the basis of caste and class, then they will no longer be a vote bank. Then how will the hypocritical politics of secularism work? You can understand very well from this video clip to what extent sectarianism is present in Islam.

Islamic fundamentalism is increasing due to political patronage

Today, leave aside the illiterate and backward Muslims, even celebrity type Muslims from different fields avoid singing the national song and the national anthem. They will not chant Bharat Mata Ki Jai, they will not say Vande Mataram. They have a thousand arguments for this and the so-called secular brigade has even more arguments. It is surprising that a community that has become synonymous with violence all over the world is waving the flag of secularism in India. There is no corner of the world where terrorism is not linked to Muslims. But the secular community of India sees a threat from Hindutva. This is the same mindset of Mohammad Ali Jinnah who had divided India into two parts. This is the same mindset of Jinnah who says that Hindus have become so hateful that Muslims cannot live with them. Today, in just seven decades, wherever you look among the Hindus, they are desperate to show themselves as greater Jinnah than others – I am the biggest well-wisher of Muslims, let me get you to abuse Hindus as much as you want.

The plight of Hindus for Muslim vote bank

Doordarshan anchor Ashok Srivastava has also expressed grief over this in his/her post. On his/her debate clip going viral, he/she writes, ‘Is it not true that abusing Hindus, insulting them, conspiring to divide Hindus has become a favourite game of some political parties and leaders these days? Somewhere programs like Dismantling Hindutva are being organised, somewhere speeches are being given to completely destroy my religion by calling it AIDS, dengue, malaria. I am saddened and angry by all this and then that day Rahul Gandhi called the world’s most peaceful, most tolerant Hindu religion in the Parliament as violent and spreading hatred. The anger and pain of all this came out of my mouth in the form of a few words.’ he/she further says, ‘And when this clip went viral, I realised that whatever I said that day is not mine alone but the voice of the heart of crores of Hindus. It is hoped that those including Rahul Gandhi who call Hindus violent, AIDS, dengue and malaria, talk of total destruction of Sanatan, will understand the feelings of crores of Hindus and will avoid repeating such despicable acts.

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Who sees the truth? Lies and deceit are prevalent

In fact, if you want to understand what is called ‘andhergardi’, then keep observing the activities and statements of these so-called secular and liberal parties and their leaders. You will understand that those who call their opponents blind devotees are actually stuck in a swamp of irrationality. The funny thing is that they have chosen this swamp themselves and are enjoying it too. They have no remorse about where their petty desire for vote bank has led the society, in which direction the country is moving. Their condition has become such that they are ready to stoop to any level for the votes of Muslims. They do not hesitate to call day as night and night as day, violence as non-violence and peace as storm. Such is the height of shamelessness that they neither have to learn a lesson from the past, nor be alert from the current incidents, nor care a bit about the future. If they just get a lump sum of votes, then any group can make them do whatever they want. Indian politics has long abandoned the truth and is now falling into the abyss and lies and deceit are gaining prominence. The so-called secular parties are holding the torch of this politics in their hands, but a dilemma can be felt even in the BJP, which has become the contractor of Hindutva. Corpses were strewn in a Baba’s program in Uttar Pradesh, but the government has no courage to file an FIR against that Baba. Who takes the risk of spoiling the vote bank?

Hindus are suffocating in their own country

After reading this article, a section will find hatred in me, but the same section will tell why there is anger among the Muslims of Kashmir or any other part of the country. It will tell that in reality Muslims are being provoked, they have been pushed to the margins. The same section will tell how efforts should be made to win the hearts of Muslims. Think about it, the Muslims who massacred thousands of Hindus in Kashmir, who left dead bodies of Hindus in various violent actions including Direct Action Day, Moplah massacre, there is still a need to win their hearts, but if a Hindu who was massacred at every small thing expresses his/her pain, it becomes hatred. This is the sting of secularism in India. Such a tune of secularism is nothing but the dire elegy of any country, society. Think about it, how the Muslims were afraid in the country in the case of Nupur Sharma. This is not a matter of the sixth century, it is a horrific incident of just a year ago when eight innocent Hindus were brutally murdered. But the problem is in Hindutva. Those who point out this flaw in Hinduism while those who read the message of peace in Islam are secular. This is the biggest irony of the present times.

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