Wednesday, February 19th, 2025

Only a good grocer will get the recipe to lose 8-10 Kg weight, not only the stomach but also the thighs and hips will become slim.

Are you troubled by your sagging belly, are your pants or jeans tight at the waist, do you want to remove belly fat, are you weight loss want to do? So understand one thing very clearly that for this, fat will have to be removed from the entire body. Because the body reduces weight by reducing fat from everywhere.

Doctor Nishant Gupta has given a recipe to lose 8 to 10 kilograms. For this you will need 4 things. One of these ingredients will be available only at a good grocer. According to experts, you can reduce 8 to 10 kg in 3 months with this home remedy.

However, you must be aware that along with the remedies, you will have to pay attention to exercise and calorie intake. All three things together help in losing weight rapidly.

Method to lose 8 to 10 kg weight

4 ingredients for weight loss

50 grams nigella seeds
50 grams cumin
50 grams fennel
50 grams Nausadar Tavi

How to remedy?

How to remedy?

The doctor told to bring all the ingredients home and grind them well. Store it in an air tight container. Then half an hour after eating food in the morning and evening, half a teaspoon of this powder has to be taken with lukewarm water. By taking it continuously for 3 months, 8 to 10 kg can be reduced.

Calorie intake for weight loss

Calorie intake for weight loss

If you want to lose weight, control your calorie intake throughout the day. Low calorie food for weight loss Eat. Due to this, the calories received from food will be less than the calories used in the whole day. Then the body will use the already existing fat for energy.

Pay attention to exercise also

Pay attention to exercise also

Exercise helps in increasing the difference between calories consumed and consumed. You can also increase calorie burning by increasing daily physical activity. With the help of these tips, your weight loss can happen quickly.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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