Friday, February 7th, 2025

ONGC Vacancy 2024: Great opportunity for retired people to get a job in ONGC, salary will be up to 68 thousand

ONGC Recruitment 2024: After retirement from a job, it becomes very difficult to spend free time. That too in today’s time when most people spend time on social media. In such a situation, if you miss your working days and want to work again, then this job is for you.
Oil and Natural Gas Limited (ONGC) has announced recruitment for the posts of Junior Consultant and Associate Consultant. The application process for this vacancy has also started on ONGC’s official website

ONGC Latest Job Notification 2024: Vacancy Details

In this ONGC recruitment, candidates will be selected for 77 posts of Junior Consultant and 2 posts of Associate Consultant. The details of how many vacancies are there in which post are given below.

Department Junior Consultant Associate Consultant Total
Production 52 2 54
Electrical 04 , 04
Mechanical 14 , 14
Instrumentation 04 , 04
Chemistry 03 , 03
Total 77 2 79

To apply in this recruitment, candidates must have ITI/Diploma/Higher Education degree or certificate. Apart from this, the age of the candidates must be less than 64 years. You can apply in this recruitment only till July 23. After that the application window will close.

Latest Consultants Vacancy 2024: Salary

Junior Consultant will be given a monthly salary of Rs 42000 and Associate Consultant will be given Rs 68000. Candidates will be selected for these posts on the basis of written examination and interview. There will be a 1 hour exam, in which there is no negative marking. The best thing is that only retired people can apply in this recruitment. For any other information, candidates can visit the official website of ONGC.

ONGC Vacancy Apply Online: Send the form here

To apply, candidates have to download the application form and send the signed application along with other documents by scanning their photos to or before July 23. Apart from this, the application form has to be sent to OAGC through post as well. The address is Officer of Surface Manager, First Floor, KDM Bhawan, Palavasna Chowki, Mehsana-384003.

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