Monday, March 24th, 2025

Nutritionist of Indian cricketers told the very easy way of weight loss, dirty fat will melt itself

Weight gain is a dangerous situation. It can start many diseases. Excessive weight means that your lifestyle is bad. Due to which there can be a risk of diabetes, heart disease, cancer, strength-energy deficiency and cancer. Therefore, all these problems can be avoided only by controlling weight.

Weight loss For you have to look at small things. Because you exercise only 1-2 hours throughout the day, but these small habits together make the whole day. Due to their unhealthy, there is difficulty in weight loss. For this reason, many people do not lose weight even after dieting and workouts.

Neutritionist Suraj Thakuria Has explained the easiest way to lose weight. Mix it with your workout routine. Your body will go into the calorie deficient and there will be a lot of benefit. Suraj gives nutritious consultancy to many famous Indian cricketers.
(Photo Credit: Instagram/Thecalorieman_ & ISTock)

What to do for weight loss?

Suraj told that To lose weight Clean the house. There is no need to be confused, all you have to do is remove the things that are not allowing fat loss. Often these foods have high calories, which does not reduce weight.

High calorie food items

High calorie food items


Easy tips of weight loss

Change the place of these things

Change the place of these things

The nutritionist said that snacks like salty, chips, biscuits should be removed from the house. If you want to use to use in emergency, then change their place so that you do not see this easily. For example, if you keep chocolate in the fridge, then keep it in chiller, fridge so that it is not seen all the time. If you have sweets on your dining table, remove it from there.

Close wasteful snacking

Close wasteful snacking

Snacking of waste increases calorie intake. From this Being calorie deficiencies It will be felt and the body will use fat for energy. This will control the calories itself and will reduce weight.

Disclaimer: The information and claims of the prescription given in the article are completely based on the reel published on Instagram. NBT does not take responsibility for its truth, accuracy and impact. Before trying any kind of prescription, please consult an expert.

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