Now ‘your friend’ will be with you in the train, who is she who will take complete care of you during the journey

Train is such a medium of transport in the country in which thousands and lakhs of men and women travel every day. Whether you choose this mode of transport on any festival or travel by train for a short journey, you always find coaches full. But in such a situation, women face problems because sometimes they do not get a seat or sometimes they get molested in the crowd.

Meanwhile, keeping in mind the safety of women travelling alone in trains, Indian Railways has launched a campaign. You will probably start feeling safe just by listening to its theme. We are talking about the ‘Meri Saheli’ campaign, which will make women feel safe while travelling. Let us tell you about this campaign.

For women traveling alone

‘Meri Saheli’ is a great campaign to provide security to women. Every woman travelling in train will benefit from this campaign. Especially, this thing is considered good for those women who travel alone from time to time. Because when women travel alone in trains, cases of indecency and molestation keep coming up almost every day. To prevent such incidents with women, Indian Railways will take care of the safety of women with the help of Meri Saheli campaign and will also keep an eye on them.

Female police interrogates

Female police interrogates

Women passengers get many benefits under the Meri Saheli Abhiyan. The team of Meri Saheli Abhiyan consists of only women. Through this team, the Railway Protection Force (RPF) team will make women aware and gather information from women passengers traveling alone. In this campaign, the team asks the women traveling alone where are you going? Is anyone disturbing you during the journey? Has anyone misbehaved with you during the journey, etc.?

call on helpline number

call on helpline number

According to the railways, the Meri Saheli team not only provides security to women travelling alone, but also gives tips and tricks to deal with any situation accordingly. According to the railways, if a woman passenger faces any kind of problem in the train, she can inform by calling the helpline number 182 of the Railway Protection Force. This will result in the arrival of an RPF team for the safety of the woman.

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