Sunday, February 9th, 2025

Now the business of blackmailing students will not work in medical colleges, due to this step of NMC the ‘shop’ is closed!

NMC Guidelines for Medical Thesis Submission: There is good news for students studying medicine. The National Medical Commission (NMC) has taken necessary steps to stop harassment of medical students. In fact, the National Medical Commission says that in many medical colleges of the country, students are unnecessarily harassed to extort extra money. They are blackmailed regarding thesis and dissertation.

How medical colleges harass students

NMC Secretary Dr. B. Srinivas says that ‘In some private and government colleges also, students are deliberately failed in their thesis. Donations are then sought to get them passed. This harassment is of such a level that in some cases students have even committed suicide. Some left studies. These medical students are not able to give their final exams. They are stopped from appearing in the examination itself.

Dr. Srinivas said that ‘some institutions have made approving the thesis submitted by students a weapon to blackmail students. Whereas it is not written anywhere in the Post Graduate Medical Education Regulation 2023 (PGMER) that it is mandatory to submit and approve the thesis before the PG medical final exam. By involving an external examiner in this process, this activity can be curbed.

Point to be noted is that Well Those who pass PG and study medical PG courses MD, MS, etc. have to submit a thesis in the final year. But to extort money from the students, medical colleges do not approve their thesis and hence do not even allow them to appear in the final exam.

NMC Guidelines for Medical Thesis

But now NMC has issued a notice making it clear that no student can be stopped from appearing in the final exam because of thesis. Whether their HOD has approved their thesis/dissertation or not. Apart from this, the Commission has also directed to involve an external examiner from outside the state in the process of examination and viva of the thesis.

Now in PG medical course, dissertation clinical/practical and viva will carry 5% marks of total marks. That means 20 marks will be for dissertation.

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