Wednesday, March 26th, 2025

Neither calcium will come in urine, no stones will be built in kidney, doctor told 3 measures to stop stones

When the pain of kidney stone arises, the soul trembles. Many times it starts becoming again after getting out of surgery. Because you do not treat its root. Actually, there are some minerals behind the formation of kidney stone, which need to be controlled.

Doctor Priyanka Sehrawat Said that 3 dietary tips will be used to prevent kidney stone from forming. People who already have stones, can prevent the stones ahead of these measures. Let us know how kidney stones are formed and what are the 3 tasks to stop it?

Why is stones in the kidney?

Dr. Priyanka Sehrawat said that calcium oxalate stones are often made in the kidneys. When the amount of calcium and oxalate increases in urin, the two start freezing together and take the form of small stones.

Less salt, citric more

Less salt, citric more

To prevent kidney stone, reduce the amount of salt by 5 grams throughout the day. By doing this, the amount of calcium in urine is reduced. Every type of salt contains equal sodium, so no salt can eat too much. Eat more citric food, such as lemon, orange, seasonal, kiwi. This also causes less calcium.

Take less oxalate

Take less oxalate

Oxalate food Reduce intake of These include spinach, beet, sweet potato, sweet drinks etc. This will reduce the amount of oxalat in urine and will not be able to connect with calcium.

Way to stop kidney stone

Drink water

Drink water

It has become authentic that by drinking enough water Danger of kidney stones Is low. Drink 2 to 2.5 liters of water throughout the day. However, kidney failure and heart patients should not drink so much water.

Disclaimer: The information and claims of the prescription given in the article are completely based on the reel published on Instagram. NBT does not take responsibility for its truth, accuracy and impact. Before trying any kind of prescription, please consult an expert.

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