People angry at Neha Kakkar
Some of the audience clapped and cheered to console him/her, while most people were disappointed. In the video, angry voices were heard from the crowd, some people were screaming, ‘Go back! Relax in your hotel. ‘ One man said- this is not India, you are in Australia. The other said- We have been waiting for three hours. he/she was heard making fun of the third voice- very good acting, it is not Indian Idol. You are not performing with children.
Performed in Sydney
Prior to the Melbourne concert, Neha performed in Sydney and shared a glimpse of the event on her Instagram. he/she wrote, ‘Thank you #Sydney, tonight #Melbourne #Nehakkar Live.’
Fans supported
Despite criticisms, Neha’s loyal fans came to defense on social media. A fan commented on his/her Instagram post- your voice, your energy, your presence, everything is just the next level. You are the best Madam. One said- The most beloved person ever, performing with you was a good fortune and dream.