Saturday, March 15th, 2025

‘Navy is ready for rapidly changing technology’, what did Navy Chief Dinesh Tripathi say on the role of women?

New Delhi: While talking to the readers of presswire18 Times on the occasion of Indian Navy Day (December 4), Navy Chief Admiral Dinesh Tripathi told that when he/she was in 10th class and went to Mumbai, he/she saw for the first time what the ocean is like. he/she gave leadership tips to NBT readers and also told what opportunities are there for the youth in the Navy.Want to stay ahead in technology
Admiral Dinesh Tripathi said that the way technology is changing rapidly, it is going to be a big challenge for the leadership of the next generation. We are also preparing them for this. The Navy Chief said that we always want to be ahead in technology so that we are never surprised. Lest something ever comes to our enemies that we do not know about, we always want to be prepared for it. Tactics are changing rapidly in geopolitics, technology and security domains.

It is a big challenge how to integrate the changing technology and also keep upgrading it continuously. This is what we are doing in the Navy. he/she said that I have told the next generation leadership that not only the technology but the kind of workforce that is going to come is also a big challenge. The new generation is smarter, more aware, more technology savvy and it will require a different kind of leadership.

The Navy Chief said that whether it is social media or all other distractions for the youth, this is the workforce. All those things are happening with technology which were unthinkable before, like pager attacks. I tell my people that if we have thought that something like this can happen, then let us assume that someone else is also thinking about it and it can happen. We should be ready for all these challenges.

one of the best navy
While talking about Navy Day, Navy Chief Admiral Dinesh Tripathi said that on December 4, 1971, the Indian Navy had attacked the Pakistan port. It was a devastating attack. Due to which the entire port kept burning for several days. That attack broke the back of Pakistan Navy. he/she could not recover from that again. That’s why we celebrate our Navy Day on 4th December. he/she said that our Navy has changed a lot since then. We had some capability even at that time. Today we are counted among the first four or five navies of the world. Navies of foreign countries want to join us. Want to practice with us, want to learn from us, just as we want to learn from them. We are one of the best navies in the world.

‘Join the Navy, See the World, my first visit was Singapore’

Ehsaas Kochhar, a student of VSPK International School, Rohini, asked the Navy Chief what inspired him/her to join the Navy and how was his/her journey till becoming Chief. The Navy Chief told that I had not seen the sea till the tenth class. When I went to Mumbai, I saw what the sea was like. At that very moment something happened in the heart and mind that changed. When it came to the NDA entrance exam to write which service I wanted to join, I automatically filled in Navy. I joined the Navy because of the feeling I got after seeing the sea in Mumbai. There was a tagline at that time – Join the Navy, See the World. The Navy gave me that exposure.

My first visit to Singapore was at a very young age. The Navy taught teamwork, how to work with 300-400 people in a 150 meter long and 20 meter wide ship, there are leaders and followers. Weapons and systems have to be managed. Navy taught me how to take decisions. There are two difficult times in taking decisions, one when there is less information and the other when there is a lot of information. The Navy taught us how to take decisions even in uncertainty.

Difference between Merchant Navy and Indian Navy
Chitra Paliwal, a student of MM Public School, Pitampura, asked a question about the difference between Navy and Merchant Navy. Responding to which Admiral Tripathi said that many people who come from states which are not close to the sea, have probably never seen the sea. I myself come from Madhya Pradesh. When I used to go on leave, people used to think that maybe I was in the merchant navy. he/she told that 95 percent (volume wise) of our trade goes through sea routes. Merchant Navy helps in taking our trade from one place to another.

The Indian Navy makes sure that they (Merchant Navy) are able to do their job. They will be able to work only if the routes through which they are going, the seas, the oceans, are absolutely safe. The work of the Indian Navy is maritime security. Many other agencies are also working but the main responsibility of maritime security rests with the Indian Navy, the country has given us this responsibility.

Officer in Navy – Technical Graduates
11th student Aditya Sharma asked what are the career options in Navy and what qualification is required. The Navy Chief said that one can serve the country by becoming an officer in the Navy, by becoming a sailor (sailor) or as a defense civilian. he/she said that the Navy had taken a decision a few years ago that all the officer cadre (except one or two) would be technical graduates. To become an officer in Navy, you can go to NDA or Naval Academy after 12th, you will get a four-year B.Tech degree. Or after doing B.Tech from an engineering college, you can join the Navy by passing an exam.

Navy Chief said that there is Agneepath Scheme to become a sailor. Students who want to sacrifice their lives for the security of the country for at least four years can come as Agniveer for four years. In this, 25 percent people will continue to move ahead. The remaining 75 percent people will come to the society after learning all the good qualities that the Defense Forces teach.

Women in all ranks and cadres in Navy
The Navy Chief said that when the Agneepath Scheme was launched about two and a half years ago, we had taken a decision to bring women in all ranks and all cadres. The women who have come as Agniveer are working in ships at sea and in shore establishments. We are not discriminating in giving them work as they have to be given less work. NBT reader and science student Naina asked a question about the role of women, to which the Navy Chief said that the Navy is open to all types of roles for women, just that there are no women in submarines right now. Everywhere else, from air to sea, women officers and women firefighters are working.

so that there are never any surprises
Class 11 student Riyanshu Aggarwal and B.Tech student Satvik Bisht asked questions regarding the use of technology. The Navy Chief said that the nature of war has not changed but the nature of war has. Technology has changed this. Be it the Russia-Ukraine war or in West Asia, the kind of tactics being used have been possible only because of technology. We also want to be ahead in this so that we are never surprised, that something ever comes to our enemy that we do not know about, we always want to be prepared for it. Therefore, we are continuously working in this direction. Our defense ecosystem and our self-reliance are going to increase a lot in the next four-five years.

In response to another question, Admiral Tripathi said that continuous work is being done on the unmanned system. The team of manned system and unmanned system is the future. The advantage of an unmanned system is that if something happens to the platform, there is no loss of human life. Also, most of the times unmanned operation is cheaper and there are many such operations which can be done only by unmanned system, where it is difficult for a human to go. he/she said that many types of unmanned systems have been included in the Navy and now we are seeing what unmanned systems can be taken from the indigenous industry.

Difference between the roles of Coast Guard and Navy
Postgraduate student Farzana Siddiqui asked questions about the role of Coast Guard and Navy. The Navy Chief said that both Navy and Coast Guard are maritime services of the country. Operate in the same medium. Indian Navy is the navy of the country since 1947, Coast Guard was formed in 1976. There is an Exclusive Economic Zone up to about 200 nautical miles from the coast, this is the responsibility of the Coast Guard. Navy also works and practices there. The Navy also ensures maritime security while going abroad.

Last July, when one of our ships was participating in the RIMPACK exercise in Hawaii, another ship was also participating in Russia’s Navy Day in St. Petersburg. One was in the Eastern Pacific and one in the Atlantic. This shows the scope of the navy.

‘I should never feel that I know everything’

Answering the question of science student Hardika Goyal, the Navy Chief said that if you want to lead anywhere then you should have professional proficiency. Unless you know about your work, it is difficult to become a leader. One should be kind, humble, one should never feel that I know everything, I am right or I am God. The leader should always be ready to listen.

The Navy Chief further said that the channel of communication with all his/her junior-seniors should never be closed. One should always keep learning and have an open mind. Leadership style should keep changing as we move forward. If we have the same leadership style, we may not be able to reach where we want to reach. We should keep evaluating ourselves.

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