Tuesday, February 18th, 2025

More than 250 plants can be planted on a 50 yard terrace, PVC pipes will have to be used smartly.

In today’s changing world, everyone has started becoming fond of gardening. Some people want to make their house look beautiful while others want to show their garden on social media. But the biggest problem comes from space, people living in small houses in cities do not have space to keep plants. However, by adopting the right method of gardening, this problem can also be eliminated.

Yes, you can plant not 50 or 100 but 250 plants simultaneously on a 50 yard terrace. For this you just have to use PVC pipe smartly. However, while building a house, many times these pipes are left over and remain lying here and there, in such a situation they will be put to good use. And, your work will also be done for free. So let us know how to use them.

what will be needed

  • PVC pipe
  • pipe cutter
  • drill and drill bit
  • paint or varnish
  • plants and soil

First prepare the pie

First prepare the pie

You mark holes for planting saplings in a 4-inch pipe, now cut different sizes of about 6 to 8 inches long. To make holes, drill 1-3 holes in the middle. While drilling the pipe, the hole has to be made carefully. These holes can help in the drainage of water as well as the stem. Using a metal file, smoothen all the rough edges. If you wish, you can also paint the pipe with paint or varnish.

Use the pipe like this

Use the pipe like this

It is easy to make a terrace garden on the roof without any hassle with the help of PVC pipes. You cut these pipes, tie them with the help of a rope, fix them on the wall and plant flower plants of your choice in it. If you want, you can also spread them like a net. And, plants can be planted in different holes.

plant such plants in pipes

plant such plants in pipes

Gently press the small starter plants into the pipe holes. For a uniform look, one should choose the same type of plant. To water the plants, you can pour water into different holes. Keep in mind that you will also have to make a hole in the pipe for water to drain out. So that due to proper drainage, the roots of the plant do not rot.

250 plants on 50 yard terrace

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