Saturday, December 14th, 2024

Menopause made Sudha Murthy cry, even her husband Narayan Murthy could not understand his/her wife’s pain

Social worker and writer Sudha Murthy spoke openly about menopause in one of her interviews. Sudha Murthy said that when she was 22-23 years old, her gynecologist father Dr. R H Kulkarni told her about menopause. The father also talked about periods with his/her growing daughter.

Even today, in our country, important issues like periods and menopause are not discussed. Most women know only that periods start in girls as they grow up and women stop menstruating after they cross the age of 50.

Women themselves do not know what changes happen in their body when periods start and stop and what effect it has on their mind and body. In such a situation, Sudha Murthy’s experience of periods and menopause should be read by men as well as women, so that they can understand the problems of their mother, sister, wife, friend. Help them in making this difficult time easier for them.

(All photos: @smtsudhamurty)

Sudha’s friend was her father

Sudha Murthy said in her interview that her father always talked to her openly like a friend. When Sudha started growing up, that is, her puberty phase started, then her father told her about periods. The father told the daughter that now changes will start coming in your body. This will happen due to changes in the hormones in the body.

Due to the changes in hormones, your skin will glow now. You will feel like looking in the mirror again and again. But do not be afraid of periods, they come in every woman’s life. Periods are not a dirty or impure thing. It is just a change in hormones. Sudha Murthy told that her father raised his/her three daughters in an open environment and gave them very good values.

Prepared my daughter for menopause

Prepared my daughter for menopause

Sudha Murthy’s father had informed her about menopause when she was 22-23 years old. The father told his/her daughter that the hormones which are at their peak at this age will start declining with increasing age. Then a time will come when periods will stop and menopause will begin. Periods do not last forever in a woman’s life. They come in a woman’s life for about 40 years and then stop.

The father explained to his/her daughter that when periods stop, do not think that you have got some disease. This is just the process of hormones returning. Keep yourself more busy at that time so that your attention is less diverted towards the process of menopause. By doing this, it will become easier to come out of this process.

Whenever you feel sad during menopause, do not get worried. Do not think that this is happening due to the circumstances. Understand that you are feeling sad because the hormones are returning.

What did Sudha Murthy say on menopause?

Get busy during menopause

Get busy during menopause

Sudha Murthy’s gynecologist father, like his/her three daughters, prepared many women for menopause and taught them how to deal with it. Many women are not aware of the hormonal changes that occur during menopause, so they are not able to understand their problems. Awareness about this is important.

Due to the knowledge she got from her father, Sudha Murthy knew that when menopause came in her life, she would keep herself busy with work more than before. She did the same during menopause, started walking and exercising. This helped her a lot. All women should do the same during menopause.

Understand age-related changes

Understand age-related changes

Women should prepare themselves in advance to accept the changes that come in their body with increasing age. Wrinkles on the skin and increasing weight should be accepted. One should not panic on seeing a butterfly on the cheeks.

When you feel sad due to hormones and feel like crying, then you should keep yourself busy in such activities that give you happiness.

Told my husband about menopause

Told my husband about menopause

When Sudha Murthy was going through menopause, both her children were studying in the US, away from home. When Sudha would suddenly start crying remembering her children, she would herself wonder why this was happening. The children have gone to study, what is there to cry about. Her husband Narayan Murthy was not even aware of her crying. When Sudha Murthy thought about it, she understood that this was happening due to menopause.

Then she prepared her husband Narayan Murthy for her menopause. Sudha Murthy told her husband that whenever I become sad or cry without any reason, then understand that the effect of hormones has started. This is my menopause phase, mood swings are normal in this. You just smile on seeing me, do not take it seriously.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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