Wednesday, February 12th, 2025

Men suffer from three types of UTI, be careful if you see the symptoms, otherwise the infection can spread to this organ

Urinary tract infection is a disease that occurs in women. Most women in India are troubled by this problem. Some women have to deal with this problem every two to three months. This disease also causes problems in women’s pregnancy. But do you know that men also get UTI?
Urology Care Foundation According to the WHO, 3 out of every 25 men experience UTI in their lifetime. Its cause is E. coli bacteria. Men over the age of 50 are more likely to get UTI, but sometimes the chances of getting it increase in younger men as well. If not taken care of, it can lead to many diseases, so this urinary disease should not be ignored.
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What is a UTI infection?

UTI or urinary tract infection occurs when any part of the urinary system gets infected. This causes inflammation in the urinary tract. If the infection increases, it can also damage the organs between the urinary tract and the kidney.

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Symptoms of UTI in Men

Symptoms of UTI in Men

Pain while urinating
Frequent urge to urinate
Bleeding in the urine
Change in color or smell of urine
back or abdominal pain
fever and chills

The symptoms of UTI in men depend on the part of the body where the infection is located. The symptoms of an upper tract infection are more troublesome than those of a lower tract infection.
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Do women get UTI?

Types of UTI in men

Types of UTI in men

There can be three types of UTI in men.
Cystitis- Cystis is a bladder infection. This infection is common in men. When it occurs, there is frequent urination and a burning sensation during urination.

Urethritis – This condition affects the urinary tract of men. There may be a burning sensation and discharge during urination.

Pyelonephritis- This infection occurs in the kidney. In this, men may feel back pain, nausea and fever.
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What causes UTI in men?

What causes UTI in men?

One of the causes of UTI in men is an enlarged prostate. In men over 50, an enlarged prostate obstructs the flow of urine from the bladder, increasing the chances of UTI. Apart from this, uncontrolled diabetes or diseases affecting immunity cause UTI. Sexually transmitted diseases like chlamydia and gonorrhea are also responsible for UTI in men.

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When does one have to be more careful in UTI

When does one have to be more careful in UTI

According to senior urologist Dr. Dheeraj Gupta, UTI should not be ignored whether it is in women or men. How serious the UTI is depends on the type of bacteria. E. coli is a common bacteria. The infection caused by it gets cured very quickly. But infection caused by antibiotic resistant bacteria requires extra care and caution. Children, elderly, cancer patients and people with low immunity should get UTI treated as soon as possible.

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Ways to avoid UTI

Ways to avoid UTI

Do not hold back urine.

To avoid UTI, it is important to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water throughout the day.

Cranberry juice, a citrus fruit rich in probiotics and vitamin C, may help prevent UTIs.

Men should take great care of hygiene. Minimize the use of powder and spray in the genital area.

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Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always contact your doctor for more information.

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