Wednesday, February 19th, 2025

Lumps have made your body ugly? Dr Irfan told – 2 things from Ayurveda grocer will dissolve all the lumps in 15 days

Lumps have formed on the body, are you very troubled by the lumps? For this, you have taken many allopathic medicines, still the lumps are not dissolving? Apart from this, do you have allergies, boils or pimples on your body?

What are the home remedies for body lumps?If you are struggling with these problems, then you do not need medicines but some home remedies. Ayurveda Doctor Irfan We are telling you a home remedy which can reduce any kind of lump within 15 days.

What does it mean to have a lump on the body?

Many times lumps form on the body which are also called lipomas. Lipoma is not cancerous and is usually harmless. Treatment is usually not needed, but if the lipoma bothers you, is painful, or is growing, you may want to have it removed.

what do you need

what do you need

You have to bring some things from Ayurvedic grocer which can be easily available-
100 grams cirrus seeds
100 grams mustard
100 grams reetha peel
50 grams aloe vera juice

Lumps in the body can reduce in 15 days

How to prepare Ayurvedic medicine for lump?

How to prepare Ayurvedic medicine for lump?
  • Grind mustard seeds, mustard seeds and reetha peel finely.
  • Mix aloe vera juice inside this powder
  • Mix it well and make fine tablets
  • Keep these pills inside a box

How to consume

How to consume

To get relief from lumps and boils, you have to take six tablets a day. Two tablets are to be taken in the morning after breakfast, two tablets after lunch and two tablets after dinner at night with water.

What will be the benefits to your body

What will be the benefits to your body

The doctor told that by taking these Ayurvedic pills, the complaint of lipoma i.e. body lump along with boils can be cured within just 15 days.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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