Monday, January 13th, 2025

Leave cashew nuts and almonds and start eating 1 dry fruit, it will breathe life into the hollow body, a treasure trove of protein and calcium.

Often people consume cashew nuts and almonds in the name of dry fruits. It is very powerful in terms of nutrition. But there is also one dry fruit about which very few people know. It is a treasure trove of nutrients like protein, calcium and iron.

Which dry fruit increases strength? We are talking about hazelnut, which is also called filbert. It can completely eliminate the weakness of the body. Because it contains essential nutrients for muscles, bones and blood. It strengthens the heart and mind.

Leave cashews and almonds for a few days and include them in your diet. Because it is very important to have variety in the diet. However, people who are allergic to dry fruits should avoid consuming it. For the rest of the people it is a healthy and powerful nut.

body flesh will increase

Muscle weakness can be removed by eating hazelnuts. It will also help in increasing the external muscles. According to USDA Eating 100 grams of hazelnut provides about 14 grams of protein. Along with muscles, it will also be useful in strengthening skin and hair.

Bones will become steel

bones will become steel

It has the power to strengthen bones. It is a storehouse of calcium which is very important for bone health. You also get copper, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc from hazelnut. The combination of these things with calcium is good for bone health.

there will be no blood shortage

there will be no blood shortage

There should be enough blood to strengthen any organ. Because this provides nutrition to them. in hazelnut iron stock Which is necessary for hemoglobin and blood. Consumption of this dry fruit gives many benefits to the body.

Cholesterol will reduce

Cholesterol will reduce

Hazelnut is full of antioxidants. On one hand it strengthens the heart and on the other reduce ldl cholesterol Let’s work. It also maintains the health of the arteries by removing inflammation.

cancer prevention

cancer prevention

Due to its antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, hazelnut is also considered to protect against cancer. Its vitamin E protects cells from damage, which can increase the risk of cancer.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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