Who is at the highest risk of TB?
The WHO has reported in its report that tuberculosis disease affects most adults in their protratives. However, people of all age groups are at risk. TB occurs in every part of the world. More than 80% of cases and deaths take place in countries with middle-incompatible.
TB symptoms

Before knowing about the treatment of tuberculosis, it is also important to know what its symptoms are, because early treatment of the disease is possible only by identifying the symptoms.
There are 3 stages of TB- exposure, latent and active disease. Symptoms vary in each stage. Whatever are as follows:-
First stage exposure- mild fever, fatigue, cough.
The second phase is the latent- Latant TB infection has no symptoms.
Third stage active disease- cough, blood or mucus cough, chest pain, breathing or coughing, fever, chills, night sweating, weight loss, not having a desire to eat, fatigue, not feeling good.
TB treatment

WHO has its report It is said that two -thirds of people suffering from TB will die without proper treatment. Active, drug-sensitivity TB disease is treated with a standard 6-month course of 4 antimicrobial drugs, provided to the patient with information, supervision and support by health worker or trained volunteers. The report also states that most cases of TB can be cured when medicines are properly taken.
Is Permanent treatment of TB possible?

If you too have been looking for an answer to this question for a long time, then the answer is yes. TB can be permanently corrected by proper treatment and correct care.
TB prevention measures

1- According to CDCIf you have inactive TB, treating it is the best way to stop active TB disease.
2- If you have any symptoms of TB, contact the doctor and get proper treatment, this can help prevent the spread of the disease.
3- If you are in contact with people in home, office or school who have TB disease, then do tuberculosis test, because it is an infectious disease.
4- For others, do not spread TB, cover your mouth and nose while coughing or sneezing, avoid coming in contact with others, wear masks.
5- Get infants vaccinated with Bacillus (BCG). Vaccination is particularly important in areas where cases of TB keeps coming up.
Disclaimer: This article is only for general information. This can not be an option for any medicine or treatment in any way. Always contact your doctor for more information. NBT does not take responsibility for its truth, accuracy and impact.