Saturday, February 15th, 2025

Korean people are amazingly beautiful and fit too, they eat age increasing food, by giving up these things you will get a life of 100 years

Everyone wants a long and healthy life. What are the ways to live a hundred years, what should one eat to live a hundred years, what should one do to live a long life, what is the recipe to live for 100 years? Almost every person wants to know the answer to these questions.

You must have seen Korean people. Be it a small child, a young person or an old person, everyone looks absolutely healthy, fit and beautiful. Their hair, skin and fitness are amazing. There is a sparkle in the eyes, golden hair and not a single wrinkle on the skin. Not only this, people here also live a long life.

Korean Temple Cuisine plays the biggest role in Korean people staying healthy and fit and living a long life. This special diet is not only the secret of the long life of Korean people but also helps them stay healthy throughout their life.

What is Korean Temple Cuisine?

Korean temple cuisine is also known as ‘Sunsik’. It is a type of traditional food that is mainly served in Buddhist temples in South Korea. Plant-based ingredients are used in it. Its special feature is that it provides all kinds of nutrition to the body and this is the secret of the long life of Korean people.

Korean temple cuisine includes plant-based ingredients

Korean temple cuisine includes plant-based ingredients

Temple cuisine mainly uses seasonal vegetables, grains, legumes, wild herbs and mushrooms as the main ingredients. Meat, fish, garlic, onion and other pungent ingredients are avoided to maintain the purity and simplicity of the food.

Five colours and five tastes

Five colours and five tastes

The items included in the temple cuisine are prepared in five colours (green, yellow, white, red and black) and this is the secret of its taste and nutrition. The five tastes (bitter, sweet, sour, salty and spicy) symbolize the five tastes. The way of preparing and eating it is also special. People here cook it very carefully. The most important thing is that the food is eaten slowly and by savoring every bite.

If you want to live for 100 years then follow this routine, watch the video

Food has medicinal properties

Food has medicinal properties

Temple cuisine is believed to have medicinal properties and helps cleanse the body. Since it uses fresh, seasonal and natural ingredients, it promotes good health and longevity.

What to do to age like Koreans

Adopt a vegetarian diet

Adopt a vegetarian diet

Include fresh vegetables, whole grains, pulses and mushrooms in your diet. These are rich in nutrients and provide health-promoting vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Eat slowly and savour it

Eat slowly and savour it

Instead of eating quickly, eat slowly, chew and savor each bite. It is important to connect with the food while eating. This helps you form a deeper connection with the food and also improves digestion.

Incorporate fermented foods

Incorporate fermented foods

Korean temple food often includes fermented foods such as kimchi, soybean paste, and fermented tea. These probiotic-rich foods increase good bacteria in the intestines, which leads to a stronger immune system and longer lifespan.

These methods will also work

These methods will also work
  • Eat less processed food- Canned and packaged foods often contain unhealthy fats, sugar and adulteration. Instead, eat fresh and natural foods, which contain essential nutrients.
  • Moderation and Balance – Korean temple food focuses on balance of ingredients, colors, and flavors. Maintain balance in your diet as well. Avoid large meals and eat a variety of plant-based foods.
  • Water and herbal teas – Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated. Also, drinking Korean traditional teas like omija or jujube tea has health benefits.

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Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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