Sunday, December 15th, 2024

Know what is Carcinoma and how dangerous is this cancer, it affects these body parts the most.

Nowadays cancer The cases are continuously increasing and it remains a matter of concern for everyone. There can be many reasons for cancer like increasing age, lifestyle, consumption of cigarette, alcohol, tobacco etc. When cells in the body start growing in an uncontrolled manner, cancer occurs.

This disease can occur in any part of the body. Carcinoma is also a common form of cancer that occurs in the cells that cover the skin and our internal organs.

Carcinoma can form as a tumor in skin, lungs, breast, prostate, kidney, pancreas etc. There are different types of carcinoma such as adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma. The severity of all these is also different. In this article we will explain in detail about what is carcinoma, types, symptoms and treatment of carcinoma.

What is Carcinoma?
Carcinoma is the most common type of cancer. Compared to other cancers, more cases of carcinoma are seen. It starts with the tissues that make up the skin along with many of our body’s internal organs and structures. This cancer occurs most in lungs, breast, prostate and colon.

Types of Carcinoma
There are many cancers that are classified as carcinomas but the most common types of carcinomas include adenocarcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, ductal carcinoma in situ, invasive ductal carcinoma, and renal cell carcinoma.

Adenocarcinoma: This cancer begins in glandular cells that make mucus-like fluid. Glandular cells are found in all parts of our body.

Common forms of adenocarcinoma
lung cancer
breast cancer
pancreas cancer
colon cancer

Symptoms of adenocarcinoma depend on its type.
Breast Cancer: Lump in the breast and discharge from the nipple.
Lung cancer: Cough with bloody mucus, chest pain, and trouble breathing.
Pancreatic Cancer: Jaundice, darkening of urine, weight loss, back and abdominal pain.
Colon cancer: Changes in bowel movements, bleeding from the rectum, stomach pain and sudden weight loss.

treatment of adenocarcinoma
Adenocarcinoma depends on which part of the body the cancer is in. Surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, and immunotherapy are some of the common treatments for cancer.

Risk Factors for Adenocarcinoma
drinking too much alcohol
unhealthy diet

basal cell carcinoma
According to NCBI (Ref), basal cell carcinoma is a type of skin cancer. It occurs on those parts of the skin which are more exposed to sunlight. It may appear as a bump on brown and black skin. Generally, basal cell carcinoma does not spread, but if its symptoms appear, a doctor should be contacted immediately.

Symptoms of Basal Cell Carcinoma
brown, black, or blue wounds that won’t heal
dark patches on skin
shiny bumps
pain or itching in the lump
Ulcer can also form in the lump

Treatment of basal cell carcinoma
Common treatments for basal cell carcinoma include surgery, chemical peel, targeted therapy, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, photodynamic therapy, and immunotherapy.

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Risk Factors for Basal Cell Carcinoma
fair skin
too much exposure to sunlight
Many people in the family have had skin cancer before
weak immunity
squamous cells

Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC)
Squamous cell carcinoma is a type of skin cancer that develops in squamous cells. It most often appears on the skin, but it can also be found in other parts of the body, such as in the lining of cells. Like basal cell carcinoma, it also starts growing on those parts of the skin which are more exposed to sunlight. Since it starts on the skin, the person comes to know about it quickly. With this, its treatment can start immediately.

Symptoms of Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Scaly and dark skin patches
wounds that lead to more wounds
age spots
scaly and dark skin spots
open wounds
Any change in the mass, oil or other gases present in the body

Treatment of squamous cell carcinoma
For the treatment of squamous cell carcinoma, the help of Mohs surgery, cryosurgery, radiation therapy, curettage, electrodessication and photodynamic therapy is taken.

Risk Factors for Squamous Cell Carcinoma
fair skin
stay in more sunlight
Family history of skin cancer
over 50 years of age
weakness immunity humantime
Human Papilloma Virus(HPV)

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Ductal Carcinoma in Situ(DCIS)
Ductal carcinoma in situ is the first type of breast cancer. Its cells do not go to other parts of the body and it begins in the lining of the breast ducts. Although it is non-invasive, it can be invasive in some cases.

Symptoms of ductal carcinoma
There are no specific symptoms of this cancer. In ductal carcinoma in situ, the patient may notice a small lump in the breast or may also have discharge from the nipple. When this happens, doctors detect it by doing mammography screening.

Risk Factors for Ductal Carcinoma
dense breasts
early periods

Treatment of ductal carcinoma
There are many treatment options for this cancer such as mastectomy, lumpectomy, lumpectomy with radiation therapy and surgery with hormonal therapy.

Invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC)
IDC is a very common type of invasive breast cancer. 80% of breast cancer cases are IDC. Like DCIS, it begins in the lining of the breast duct. It then spreads to the surrounding breast tissue and lymph nodes.

Symptoms of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma
Like DCIS, the person also does not show any specific symptoms. In such a situation, doctors detect this disease through mammography screening.
lump in breast
dimples around the nipples
darkening of skin
nipple discharge
lump in underarm

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Treatment of invasive ductal carcinoma
Invasive ductal carcinoma is treated with mastectomy, lumpectomy, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and biologically targeted therapy.

Risk Factors for Invasive Ductal Carcinoma
dense breasts
early periods

Renal cell carcinoma(RCC)
This is a very common type of kidney cancer that develops as a tumor inside the kidney. This is a very deadly cancer which can spread to other parts of the body as well. This cancer first occurs in the tubule lining. Apart from filtering blood, these tubes inside the kidneys help in producing urine.

Symptoms of Renal Cell Carcinoma
In the initial stage, there are no noticeable symptoms of renal cell carcinoma. However, this disease becomes known as the tumor grows. In such a situation, if a person sees any of the symptoms given below, he/she should immediately contact his/her doctor.
loss of appetite
weight loss without reason
pain on side of body
lump in stomach
blood in urine

Renal cell carcinoma treatment
RCC can be treated through radiation therapy, chemotherapy, surgery, immunotherapy and targeted therapy.

Risk Factors for Renal Cell Carcinoma
exposure to trichlorethylene
family history

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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