Just solve this problem of yours has been resolved by Nutritionist Kiran Kukreja, the Anshtant Beauty Remedy, which he/she has shared on his/her Instagram. This recipe has used all natural things and beneficial things for the skin. Let’s know that this has been used for very old times face pack How to make
Rice is the ingredient of the prescription
Rice has been used as a paste to make this recipe thick and smooth. Let us tell you that rice not only cleanses our skin as well as the skin is also beneficial in titaning and lightening the scars.
Therefore, rice has been used in different forms to improve the face since old times. Let us know about the ancient home remedy mentioned by Kiran Kukreja today.
What is required to make face pack?

- Rice paste- 1 teaspoon
- Gram flour- 1 teaspoon
- Turmeric- 1/3 teaspoon
- Drykeep honey-1 teaspoon
- Water- as needed
Note- You can also increase, decrease and skip the things used to prepare the recipe.
How to prepare face pack

- First prepare a rice paste and then take a spoon of it and put it in the bowl.
- Now add gram flour, turmeric and dry grape honey to the rice paste and mix it well.
- Apply the prepared pack on your face and leave it to dry.
- When the time is over, do the face wash and then see how your face gets amazing.
- Kiran Kukreja told that you can use this recipe two to three times a week.

Honey has abundant antioxidants, anti -aging and antibacterial properties, which serve to improve skin, reduce wrinkles and fine line on the face as well as reduce dynes. If you want, you can also scrub by applying honey in rice flour and applying it on the face.
(Disclaimer: The information and claims of the prescription given in the article are completely based on the video published on Instagram. NBT does not take responsibility for its truth, accuracy and effect. Be sure to consult an expert before trying any prescription.)