Indian students say that the work of inciting sentiments against immigrants is not limited to mere statements, but changes are also being made in the rules of study visa or post-study work visa. It is believed that the changed rules are going to directly impact Indian students. 13 lakh Indian students have been given study permits in Canada between 2015 and 2024. By August 2024, 1,37,445 Indian students got study permits, which is 36.7 percent of the total students.
Parents’ family worried due to tightening of work visa rules
Speaking to The Indian Express, Monica, a resident of Karnal, said, “My two daughters are already in Canada. The elder daughter works in the administrative department of a security company based in Ottawa and the other daughter is pursuing a diploma in accounting from Montreal. Thankfully, she hasn’t faced any issues like racism or unpleasantness from the locals. My youngest daughter is also planning to go to Canada next year.”
However, the family is very upset due to the tightening of work visa rules. Monica said, “We invest so much money in sending our children to Canada because we know they will be able to get jobs there. But if the government is planning to create unnecessary barriers, then we should look elsewhere.” Have to start over.”
students worried about job
Some students who will be moving to Canada next year are worried that the new changes could have a negative impact on them. A 20-year-old student from Jalandhar said, “If I plan to go to Canada next winter, I will face more problems in finding a job compared to students who are already there or who are going to go to Canada in 2026. I’m thinking of postponing my plans to go to Canada for a year, but I’m also worried about missing my chance.”
Canada’s deteriorating conditions troubled
The tension arising between India and Canada is also affecting the students. A student from Delhi is thinking of going to study in Canada, for which he/she had prepared some questions which he/she was going to ask to the Study Abroad Expert. But due to the current situation, the number of his/her questions has also increased, because he/she feels that it is right to go to Canada only after knowing something.
The 18-year-old student said, “At the beginning of this year, I had noted down 7-8 points that I wanted to ask to the study abroad expert. But now the situation has changed. Now the number of questions being asked by me and my family has increased. It’s been more than 20. My family is worried about the benefits of studying in Canada, my safety and living arrangements. Because of this the number of questions has increased.