Thursday, December 5th, 2024

Is it right to take birth control pills for PCOD or not? Know the advice of famous gynecologist

Today, more and more women are becoming victims of infertility and the main reason for this is PCOD. This is a lifestyle disease which can be cured by making some changes in lifestyle. However, in today’s busy life, women do not have time to exercise and take a healthy diet.

Talking about medicines, doctors often prescribe birth control pills for PCOD. Many questions arise in the minds of women regarding this, can PCOD really be cured by taking pills? Doctor Anjali Kumar has shared a video on her Instagram and explained what happens when taking birth control pills in PCOD.
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exercise daily

nyulangone.orgAccording to PCOD, there are many benefits of exercising daily. This reduces weight by burning calories and builds muscle mass, which reduces insulin resistance. Exercise also reduces cholesterol. It is also very important to keep weight under control in PCOD.

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What to eat in PCOD?

What to eat in PCOD?

Omega-3-rich fish, such as salmon, baked or broiled, olive oil instead of butter, beans instead of meat, and other protein-rich legumes, leafy greens such as spinach, tomatoes in addition to kale, mushrooms, peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, Eat whole grains, like brown rice, barley. Bread and pasta made from whole grains can help avoid spikes in blood sugar in PCOS.

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Do not eat these things in PCOD

Do not eat these things in PCOD

HopkinsMedicineFried foods such as French fries, potato chips, corn chips and fried chicken or fish, saturated fats such as butter, red meat, processed snacks such as cakes, cookies, candy, high-sugar items, sweetened beverages such as soda, tea And sports drinks, flour, white bread, pasta and white rice should not be consumed in PCOD.

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Pills are not a complete cure

Pills are not a complete cure

The doctor said that pills can control PCOD only for some time and it is not a treatment to cure PCOD completely. The best way to cure PCOD or PCOS is to adopt the right lifestyle. Along with this, the doctor also advised that women should not take any medicine without consulting the doctor.

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Do pills cure PCOD?

Do pills cure PCOD?

Gynecologist Anjil said that if these pills are taken as prescribed by the doctor, then there is nothing wrong in it. Birth control pills are recommended for PCOD for many reasons, including regularizing periods, reducing bleeding, reducing acne and hair fall, and reducing unwanted body hair.

Photo Credit: Pexels

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