If they travel by cab, then the most cost comes in such a situation. This is the reason why people like to travel by metro in cities. But there are many people who do not know about the rules. Due to lack of incomplete information, people will spend thousands of their money in fake. If you are traveling by metro, that too with the child, then know today how old you take the ticket?
How many age children are in metro
In the metro, you have often seen parents that they do not take tickets for children, when they enter or exit the gate, they take them out through their cards or tokens. But the rule is also fixed for this. If your child means 3 feet more than 90 cm, then you have to take a ticket for it. If you deceive him/her without a ticket, then note that you can fine.
If the height is low then….

If your child’s height is low from 3 feet, then you do not need to take any ticket for it to travel by metro. They are allowed children to travel free with adults. Also, traveling in the metro is also free for adults of 3 feet or less height. Perhaps after listening to all this, you must be saying, is it so?
3 feet children can enter free entry exit

Children up to 3 feet can make both entry and exit in the metro for free. In such a situation, many people also have a question whether children also need to take tickets even 1 feet than 3 feet? So note that half the ticket in the metro does not have any kind of rule. If it is more than 3 feet, then you have to take a ticket for them. Children up to 3 feet are about 4 to 5 years old, so if you are traveling with children, then it is very important to take care of these things.
There are rules regarding women safety

After knowing the rules about children’s tickets, you should also know about the safety of the woman. DMRC has deployed 10 flying squads for women safety. These Female coach in Delhi Metro But keep a close watch. They inspect for the safety of women in Delhi Metro throughout the day. If any male passenger is seen going to the coach or travels, they will be taken fine along with stopping them.