Thursday, December 26th, 2024

In awakening you will find a sweet life with the realization of nectar.

Author: Sunder Chand Thakur
Life can be lived on two levels – unconscious and conscious. Most of the people in the world are living unconscious life. This unconsciousness is visible in his/her work and his/her thinking. They talk about violence, they talk about war, they talk about killing and destroying others. All these people are living an unconscious life. The understanding of torturing others for one’s own sensual pleasure can arise only in an unconscious mind. Wherever wars are taking place in the world, they are taking place because of unconscious thinking people. Because if you become aware, you cannot think in terms of war. If we become aware then we cannot think in terms of violence. If you become aware, you cannot even think of oppressing others or causing pain to others, leave alone doing it.

If we look at the evolutionary journey of human beings, we will find that we started this journey with animal consciousness. There was no difference between us and animals. But gradually we saw our consciousness developing. Learned from my mistakes, began to understand my body, my mind and my soul. As our consciousness began to evolve we found our brain also evolving. It was our good fortune that a civilization developed in India which lit the light of knowledge for the whole world. Here, such sages, sages, ascetics and such incarnate men were born that the human being, who remained tied in the chains of unconsciousness for who knows how long, started becoming aware in the light of knowledge. We got the Vedas and Upanishads, Patanjali gave us the Yoga Sutras, Rishi Ved Vyas gave us the Bhagavad Gita. It was understood that man is not just a body and consciousness, he/she has an immortal soul and by knowing this, awareness is born in us. When we live with this awareness, the quality of life is transformed.

To laugh consciously, it is important to first understand that we are not just a body. We are actually consciousness which is a part of Brahma i.e. superconsciousness. Because the superconsciousness never ends, our consciousness also never ends. It is like a drop of water separated from the surface of the ocean and sea. The drop is consciousness. The ocean is superconsciousness. The drop has separated from the ocean, but after some time it will merge back into it. When we drive a car, we are not the car. The car is like the body. If there is no consciousness in the body, it is lifeless. What is the use of a vehicle without a driver? Now you drive one car, after some time you can also drive another car. Similarly, if you have this body now, then someday you may have another body also. But just like a driver drives a car properly, similarly it is your consciousness that makes this body work. The more refined your consciousness becomes, the more your awareness increases. The more you start knowing and understanding what tasks you have to do and what not to do as a human being on this earth, in this world. You start rising above the boundaries of colour, caste, sect, religion and nation.

This refined consciousness brings awareness to your behavior which is being driven by your thinking from moment to moment. You start to break out of negative and destructive thinking. You start moving towards positive and constructive thinking and this thinking starts becoming your permanent nature. After attaining supreme knowledge, Buddha started living a life of enlightenment. A life full of awareness means being awake every moment. You can’t do anything wrong with this awakening. Not with yourself. Not with others. But this awakening does not come so easily. For this you need to practice meditation daily, take refuge in Bhagavad Gita, live a virtuous life and adopt a disciplined daily routine of yoga. To decide whether to do this or not, just understand that when you live in awareness, the sweetness of nectar remains present in your consciousness every moment. Your life becomes syrup of nectar.

Disclaimer: The views expressed above are the author’s own.

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