If you see these changes in your body in the ninth week of pregnancy, then don’t panic, be happy, these 5 symptoms are a sign of a healthy pregnancy

Has the ninth week of your pregnancy started? The 9th week means that you are about to enter the third month of pregnancy. During this time, there is a lot of difference in the woman’s body as compared to the first and second month. At this time, the organs of the fetus start forming.
Muscles develop and connections between neurons begin to form. While the level of pregnancy hormone HCG increases in the body of women. Due to which the symptoms become severe. However, pregnant women should not panic due to these symptoms. If you are seeing some different changes in the body given here in the third month, then it means that your pregnancy is healthy.

Burning sensation in the chest

Heartburn is a common problem during pregnancy. It is also called acid reflux. This happens when acid reflux travels from your stomach to your throat through the food pipe. In such a situation, due to hormonal changes and the pressure of the growing baby on the stomach, the chances of heartburn increase. If this happens, you should not worry.

Darkening of the skin

Darkening of the skin

Pregnant women get tensed due to darkening of skin. But darkening of facial skin is a proof that the baby is growing well. Let us tell you that darkening of skin during pregnancy is called melasma. In this, melanin starts forming more than required inside the body. Melanin is a pigment, if it increases in excess, then the color of the skin starts turning dark. This is a temporary condition, which gets cured in a few days.

How to take care in the first three months of pregnancy?

enlargement of the breasts

enlargement of the breasts

There are many changes in the breast at every stage of pregnancy. As soon as the third month begins, the pregnant woman will feel changes in the breasts. During this time the breasts start growing. The area around the nipple, which is called the areola, starts becoming darker. If this is happening to you, then you should be happy. Because this is a sign of a healthy pregnancy.

frequent urination

frequent urination

From this month the fetus starts growing slowly. In such a situation, the growing uterus puts pressure on the bladder. Due to which one has to urinate several times a day. Although frequent urination also disturbs sleep. But this is normal and is a good sign.

having food cravings

having food cravings

The mother-to-be may start having food cravings from the beginning of the third week. During this time, some women even start hating certain types of foods. Cravings are a sign of a healthy pregnancy. But keep in mind, at this time you should eat foods rich in nutrients. These give you strength throughout the pregnancy and the baby also develops well.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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