Friday, December 27th, 2024

If you are troubled by fatigue, weakness, headache, back pain then try the free remedy of dietitian Shreya Goyal.

Joint pain, stiffness, cramps, headache and fatigue are common in winter. With increasing age, the problem of joint pain in women also increases. Carelessness can increase problems, so take care of your health as the weather changes. If joint pain is not reducing despite eating pinni, ghee and millet roti in winter, then Dietician Shreya Goyal Try the free solution suggested by. You will definitely feel relief from this.

Do you also make this mistake in winter?

With the onset of winter, if you start having problems like joint pain, stiffness and cramps, then take a look at your daily routine. Think yourself what mistake you are making throughout the day which is increasing your pain. If joint pain is not reducing despite including ghee, gum and millet in the diet, then try a free remedy. Increase the amount of water you drink throughout the day. As soon as the lack of water in the body is fulfilled, the pain in your joints will start reducing.

These diseases are caused by lack of water

These diseases are caused by lack of water

The biggest mistake we make in winter is by drinking less water. Even though thirst is less in winter, the body needs water as much as it does in other seasons. Due to dehydration, the body has to face many problems in winter. When there is lack of water in the body, problems like joint pain, stiffness, cramps, fatigue, weakness and headache start.

Due to lack of water in the body, the skin becomes dry and the problem of indigestion also starts. In winter, we eat more rich and fried foods and drink less water. This increases the problem of acidity. The free solution to avoid all these health problems is to drink adequate amount of water daily. Even if you do not feel thirsty in winter, keep drinking sufficient amount of water so that there is no shortage of water in the body.

Does drinking water cure back pain?

Does drinking water cure back pain?

Dietician Shreya Goyal says that water is needed for the cushioning of the spine disc. If you do not drink enough water, the body becomes dehydrated. Spinal fluid decreases. This causes friction in the spinal disc, due to which back pain occurs. Drinking less water also causes problems like headache and muscle cramps. To get relief from all these problems, do not let there be shortage of water in the body.

Whenever you feel tired, weak, headache, back pain, first check whether you are drinking less water. Keep track of how much water you have drunk throughout the day so that there is no shortage of water in the body.

Many times, wrong way of cooking also causes pain in knees and joints. If your mother has also started complaining of pain in knees and joints, then pay attention to the way she works in the kitchen. Does your mother work improperly in the kitchen? for this Learn correct cooking skills,

Why is it important to stay hydrated in winter?

Why is it important to stay hydrated in winter?

If sufficient amount of water is present in the body, then the joints remain flexible and hence there is no complaint of pain. This increases the body’s immunity. Drinking enough water keeps the skin soft and increases its glow. Water flushes out toxins from the body and aids digestion. Due to this there is no problem of constipation.

To provide lubrication to the joints, people use ghee in their diet in winter. Despite this, if there is pain in the joints, it may be due to lack of water in the body. We get water free from nature. But we forget to use it properly. People who drink adequate amount of water in every season remain safe from many diseases.

Learn the free solution to get rid of diseases with water from dietitian Shreya Goyal.

Water alternatives are also effective

Water alternatives are also effective

Dietician Shreya Goyal believes that one and a half to two liters of water should be drunk in winter. For this you can drink detox water as well as normal water. But it is important to drink adequate amount of water. To maintain moisture in the body and fulfill the water deficiency, keep drinking herbal tea, soup or hot water at short intervals throughout the day. It is very important to stay hydrated to stay healthy in winter. Stay hydrated, stay healthy!

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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