Thursday, December 19th, 2024

If you are feeling short of breath while climbing stairs in your youth then keep yourself supercharged, start doing these 5 things today itself.

Due to fast walking, running or excessive running around, our breathing becomes short which is normal. Some people also have such problem while climbing stairs. Although such problems occur with increasing age, if this starts happening at an early age then it is a matter of concern. If you start feeling short of breath as soon as you climb a few stairs, it means you need to make some changes in your lifestyle.

This type of problem can also occur due to low energy level or being less physically active. It can also be a sign of some disease. In such a situation, let us know how we can get rid of it.
(All photos courtesy: freepik)

due to shortness of breath

ncbi According to this, if you start feeling short of breath after some physical activity, then you should immediately become alert. There can be many reasons for shortness of breath like anemia, obesity, diabetes, stress, lack of sleep or lack of nutrients in the body can also cause this problem. If you want, you can get rid of this problem by changing your lifestyle, but if the problem increases, you should consult your health expert.

Avoid sleeping till late in the morning

Avoid sleeping till late in the morning

If you have a habit of waking up late in the morning every day, then you need to change this habit immediately. You should try to sleep at a fixed time at night and wake up early in the morning every day. You should start your day with exercise. This will remove your problem of breathlessness and you will also remain quite active.

Lung strengthening yoga asanas

Do these things to increase stamina

Do these things to increase stamina

If you get tired very quickly, then to increase your stamina, include breathing exercises, strength training and cardiovascular activities in your daily routine. This will also increase your energy level.

healthy diet

healthy diet

Stay away from wrong eating habits i.e. you should avoid junk food. Include only healthy things in your diet. Apart from this, to keep yourself hydrated, you should consume appropriate amount of water and other fluids.

stay away from these habits

stay away from these habits

Bad habits of cigarette and alcohol can also cause the problem of breathlessness. This reduces stamina and the person gets tired very quickly. Drinking excessive cigarettes and alcohol also increases the risk of other diseases.

use stairs more

use stairs more

If you are having trouble breathing while climbing and descending a few stairs, it does not mean that you should stop using the stairs. Climbing stairs strengthens the muscles and also helps in burning calories. That means you can also control your weight. This also increases the efficiency of heart and lungs.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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