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Monday, July 8th, 2024

If you are dreaming of making your child perfect, then you will have to give up these habits today itself

Becoming a parent is a beautiful feeling, but sometimes our own upbringing and habits can become a hindrance in the upbringing of our children. Some things that seem normal to us can actually be harmful to children. If you are also a parent, then you should identify these habits in yourself and start trying to eliminate them from within yourself today. This article describes some of those toxic habits and ideologies that we should give up for the happiness and healthy development of our children.

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to criticize

Every child makes mistakes and so do adults. This is a natural part of learning. However, constant criticism from parents can undermine a child’s confidence and prevent him/her from taking risks. Instead, praise your child when he/she does something well and help him/her correct mistakes when he/she makes them.

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Comparing your child to others, especially their siblings or friends, can make them feel insecure. Every child is different and special and learns at their own pace. Appreciate your child according to their abilities.

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To insist

To insist

Pressuring your children to perform beyond their ability can be harmful. This can cause stress, anxiety and fear of failure in the child. Identify your child’s interests and abilities and encourage them in that direction.

Every parent has dreams for their child but, it is unfair to impose your unfulfilled desires on your children. Let your child choose what they want to become in life and support their dreams.

too much love

too much love

Pampering your children too much can prevent them from becoming responsible and independent. Give children responsibilities according to their age and let them make their own decisions. Give them guidance when needed, but do not try to control them at every step.

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imposing emotions

imposing emotions

It’s important that you share your feelings with your children, but don’t make them the object of your anger or frustration. Let your children know that their feelings are valid and help them express their feelings in a healthy way.

Apart from this, there are ups and downs in life. Children also have to face failure sometimes. This teaches them to be flexible and learn to solve problems. Let your children face difficulties and support them.

Struggle to prove right

Struggle to prove right

Always trying to prove yourself right can be a hindrance to building a healthy relationship with children. When you make a mistake, do not hesitate to apologize to your children. This will also teach them that there is no harm in admitting a mistake and apologizing.

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