Thieves stole in a moving train
The thieves carry out theft when the crowd gathered on the platform wait for the train to arrive and when the passengers try to board the train, there are some such people in the crowd of passengers, then they come with the intention of stealing and get off the train while stealing people.
Stolen from the window

When the train reaches the platform, most passengers open their seat window. At the same time, after stopping the train, the gang of thieves goes inside the train and checks which window is kept near the window. Let me tell you, the window has a charging point, where most of the passengers put their phone on the charge. Then when the train starts running from the platform, the gangs of thieves quickly steal precious items from the window. In such a situation, it is advisable to close the window at the time of running the train.
People sleeping in train are stolen

If you are traveling in a train alone, it is advisable to take precautions. Please tell, Passengers sleeping in train It is also stolen. In fact, the gang of thieves tries to sit near the passenger sleeping as passengers and steals precious items with deception. In such a case, most phones are stolen, in such a situation, it is advisable to sleep.
Passengers are stolen by putting them in talks

It is often instructed while traveling in the train, that unknown travelers should have less conversation as much as possible, because the vicious passengers are also hidden behind the sweet lyrics, who are eyeing the precious goods of other passengers. Let me tell you, thieves at the train and railway station steal not alone but with the gang and they target a passenger who is traveling with more and precious items. In such a situation, it is prudent to interact with few people during the train journey.
Avoid bags with clothes

In trains, thieves also target passengers who travel with a bag with clothes, tell, such bags can be easily cut with blade or any pointed item. If passengers also lock these bags, whenever theft is easily stolen. In such a situation, travel with clothes with clothes.